Back when Treasury Secretary "Hank" Paulson was informing us all that the U.S. economy was "fundamentally healthy," and the global economy A-okay, Peter Schiff was saying something quite different, indeed"and was being scoffed at and even denounced as unpatriotic (where have we heard that before?) by the analysts of BubbleVision. Well, Peter was right, and a video a highlight reel of his truth-telling became the YouTube sensation of the financial crisis"spurring the legions of Troy to launch a counterattack on Cassandra. Last week, I had a chance to sit down with ...
Amongst the many conversations from many quarters about who might lead the Republican Party, I keep hearing one name time and time again—Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. So what’s so ...
When New York Times columnist David Brooks pondered why the Republican Party was in such bad shape recently, he came to the conclusion that a majority of Americans simply no longer support ...
President Bush put conservatism in critical condition. A President McCain would have put it out to pasture. <object width=“425” ...
The moment John McCain signed off on the Wall Street bailout bill, I knew exactly what I was going to be hearing about from that day forward: William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and ...
I usually find these debates demeaning, because they’re not exactly Lincoln vs. Douglas. But I must admit that in the debate with Biden, I found Sarah Palin’s legs ...
For most of my adult life, I have only claimed two celebrities as heroes - Pat Buchanan and Ric Flair. It’s never been a secret that I’m a huge pro wrestling fan and ...
When Republican delegate Cyndi Mosteller was asked why Joe Lieberman was speaking at the Republican Convention, she answered, "Because he understands the importance of 9/11. ...
Editor’s note: This is the first installment in a new section at Takimag, Taki TV. Here we’ll feature original videos, by the Southern Avenger and others, as well as ...