An anxious nation awaits. Yes, it's Labour leadership contest time—in which all the thoroughly untarnished candidates from this highly responsible party vie to inherit the glorious mantle let fall by that great statesman and patriot, “Cincinnatus” Gordon Brown. There are four ex-ministers in the lists. Of these valued veterans, former Foreign Secretary David Miliband is favorite amongst the turf accountant fraternity. Like us all, the bookies clearly cannot wait to see him become “a great unifying force on all shades of centre left opinion in this ...
It returned briefly, like a bad memory—a choking cloud, smelling slightly of sulphur, bringing life to a standstill, leaving a thin film of dirt on everything, making everyone feel faintly ...
An anxious nation awaits. Yes, it's Labour leadership contest time—in which all the thoroughly untarnished candidates from this highly responsible party vie to inherit the ...
It returned briefly, like a bad memory—a choking cloud, smelling slightly of sulphur, bringing life to a standstill, leaving a thin film of dirt on everything, making ...