August 09, 2007
The myth of the “objective journalist” is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that we wince whenever we see a headline or a news story that seems to take a side. In other countries, however, journalists don’t feel the same constraints. Witness this headline in the Jerusalem Post, concerning the death of the Jewish-born former archbishop of Paris, Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger:
Presumably, the headline editor wasn’t commenting on the quality of Cardinal Lustiger’s Catholic belief. The unnamed author of the story (which was bylined “JPOST.COM STAFF”) quoted Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, who declared that Lustiger had “betrayed his people and his faith during the most difficult and darkest of periods” by converting to Catholicism in 1940.
Makes you wonder what kind of headline the Jerusalem Post will someday put on Jonathan Pollard’s obituary.