October 10, 2014
Source: Shutterstock
A Public Service Announcement “ Ebola tourism? “ Cluelessness and
chaos “ Dependency and entitlement “ What, me, worry? “ The romance of
American blackness “ Being mean to MENA “ Kill a cop, win liberal
hearts “ Where’s Fat Boy? “ UKIP defeats Right and scares Left
In order to build the state-of-the-art recording studio and adjoining guest house John Derbyshire has “requested” to keep recording his weekly commentary for Taki’s Magazine it has become necessary to start charging the listener. Unfortunately Taki’s coffers are running low because of the poor Greek economy and the cost of running his private island in the Aegean. What can we say, girls are expensive.
Nevertheless, we hope you will continue to support Radio Derb at $2 per show and help keep John in comfort and style. Radio Derb will continue to air for free the first Saturday of every month. If you wish to hear the subsequent broadcasts during a given month, those will cost a total of $6. Please hang in there as we attempt to integrate this paywall, and do feel free to send us your thoughts. We hope you will keep supporting Radio Derb and Taki’s Magazine.
Thank you.
The Editors