January 08, 2008

Yesterday on “€œTucker,”€ Jamie Kirchick told the world what we in the right-wing extremist community have known for years: first, Ron Paul is a neo-Nazi-confederate homophobe; and secondly, 

“€œHe speaks in code; he’s a transmitter. He”€™ll say certain things that at first might not appear to be overtly racist, but to certain audiences, they know what he’s talking about. […] People in the know, and people who are in the neo-confederate communities, know exactly what he’s talking about.”€

For those just learning to crack the Ron Paul Code, let me offer some sample translations:

1) Take for instance Ron Paul’s statement before Congress in July: “€œI have been one of the strongest opponents of military action against Iraq. I voted against the initial authorization in 2002, and I have voted against every supplemental appropriations bill to fund the war.”€ This passage can be roughly translated as, “€œHitler was cool, all black people are evil, and I hate gays.”€

2) Similarly, when Ron Paul says, “€œI want to eliminate the income tax,”€ he’s really trying to transmit, “€œThere’s an international Jewish conspiracy; and the Holocaust never happened.”€

I hope this clears everything up. To think, for around a year now, many people have supported Ron Paul because they actually believed he was running a campaign based on non-intervention and fiscal responsibility. 



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