March 05, 2008
Much like the dreaded North American Union, “Eurabia” was one of those things the respectable media insisted again and again was but the figment of the racist, xenophobic imagination. As it turns out, Lou Dobbs is basically right about NAU, and the European patriots who”ve resisted the EU over the past years have been proved right not only regarding the union’s deadening bureaucracy but its impulse to expand its dominion well beyond the continent and absorb hosts of non-Western nations and peoples, many of them of Muslim.
This week, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband announced that the EU “must keep the door open, retaining the incentive for change and the prospect of membership provides.” Translation: Turkey’s in, and the only question is who’s next? Perhaps we should let “em all in, lest we “signal a deep and dangerous divide between east and west.”
In the end, the EU conspiracy is just as patronizing and nanny-statish as it is sinister. Miliband added that the EU will not be one of those mean, icky “super powers” like the bad ol” you know who, but instead become a big bureaucratic “role model.” Super powers were so last century; Europe will become a “low carbon power.”
While the great Eurocratcs will pat themselves on the back for bringing about the triumph of shared values, the dying populations of the old country will continue to be displaced by a wide variety of incoming “Europeans.”
One great historical irony often missed in this discussion is that, pace the contemporary Eurocrats, the founders of the European Union never thought of it as some kind postmodern, multi-culti, secular institution”to the contrary, Europe was to possess a particular cultural-religious core. From his headquarters in the seat of former Austro-Hungarian Empire, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi thought that national distinctions simply obscured a shared European culture, represented by the Scottish-German Kant, the Corsican-French Napoleon, and the Polish-German Nietzsche (although the count wan”t exactly right about this last one). For the devout Catholics Konrad Adenauer, Jean Monnet, and Robert Schumann, “Europe” was to be a renewed Christendom. “The faith is Europe and Europe is the faith,” in the words of Belloc. Ignorant of these things, the current European Union is in the process of making sure that no coherent notion of Europeanism will ever more exist.