December 27, 2007

Check out the collapse of the latest attempt to smear the principled, honorable, and honest Ron Paul—the only conservative in the presidential race. Kudos to Justin Raimondo and Lew Rockwell and the thousands of “pesky” Ron Paul supporters who Fisked Virginia Heffernan’s sophomoric blog smear (which now runs complete with retraction). For fun, read the torrent of finely written comments in the Times’ forum, holding Heffernan’s pedicured feet to the fire.

Takimag also did its part, running one expose by Justin, and one by Jack Ross

Now it’s time for the NY Times to do its professional duty—and fire the hack who tried to torpedo a presidential candidate with a sloppy story that wouldn’t have made the grade at the Yale Daily News, or even the LSU Reveille. Heffernan doesn’t belong at the “newspaper of record.” I’m sure they can find a spot for her on the network of papal knight Rupert Murdoch….

Address any comments you’d like to share with the Times to their ombudsman, Clark Hoyt: (212) 556-7652.

P.S. For more reactions to the smear check out


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