September 20, 2010
Adrian Fenty
“Blacks for Gray, Whites for Fenty,” ran the nuanced headline on page one of the Washington Examiner.
The story told of how black Mayor Adrian Fenty, who got rave reviews for appointing Michelle Rhee to save District of Columbia schools, was crushed six to one in black wards east of the Anacostia River, as he rolled up margins of three to one in the white wards west of Rock Creek Park.
In Fenty’s political obit, it was said, he devoted too much time and gave too many appointments to non-blacks in a rapidly gentrifying city where black folks are still the majority.
After one term, Fenty is out. And there may be a lesson here for the black man in the big white house on Pennsylvania Avenue.
For, at a weekend gathering of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a commission is preparing a report card on how our first black president is dealing with issues of concern to black America.
Last week, an open letter came from public policy scholar Dr. Boyce Watkins, who gave it to Obama with the bark on.
Black unemployment last month hit 16.7 percent. Among black teenagers, it is 45 percent. Blacks, wrote Watkins, “bear the brunt of this economic crisis in ways that are unimaginable to other Americans. Our homes are being foreclosed on more often, and we are less able to rely on a source of background wealth to help us get through.”
Yet as this crisis deepens for black America, Obama and Sen. Harry Reid are pursuing an amnesty called the DREAM Act for 2 million illegal aliens, as a prelude to full amnesty for 12 to 20 million.
Yet, these illegals hold 8 million jobs that would otherwise be available to black Americans.
In 2009, as unemployment soared under Obama, the U.S. government issued 1.131 million green cards, 808,000 of them for immigrants of working age, the fourth highest number of foreign workers brought into this country in history.
Why, with 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, are we importing a million foreign workers? Why are we not sending the illegals back, as President Eisenhower did, and imposing a moratorium on new immigration, as FDR did, to save American jobs for American workers?
African-Americans have other grievances.
Whatever you say about tea party folks, they ride to the rescue of their embattled own, like Delaware’s Christine O’Donnell.
And the Obama Democrats?