May 01, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

Their work ethic has been eviscerated by an endless flow of social welfare benefits. Those benefits have often removed the incentive to find or hold a job, and the necessity to have a breadwinner, a father in the home.

The social and cultural revolution of the 1960s undermined the black churches and depopulated them of their young.

The expulsion of the Bible and of all religious and moral instruction from public schools left black children defenseless against the lure of the lifestyles of gang leaders and rap singers.

The conscience- and character-forming institutions that inculcated the beliefs and values that sustained black families through the Depression, the war and the 1950s have collapsed.

Result: Many black neighborhoods are unsafe for those who live there.

Hillary’s answer: “It’s time to end the era of incarceration in America.” But how will returning scores of thousands of convicts to their home communities make them safer—not to mention ours?

Given how it all worked out, are we really ready for Hillary and another giant leap forward into Great Society liberalism?


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