November 09, 2015

Source: Wikimedia Commons

They occupy a world where a genocidally anti-white Jewish putz named Tim Wise is feted for telling old white people he can’t wait for their “hearts to stop beating” and that “the sound of your demise is beautiful.”

They are openly mocked, disparaged, degraded, and gleefully told that racial karma will eat them alive, and then when they start killing themselves, it’s to the sound of a loud laugh track and thunderous applause.

The sick punch line is that wealthier and younger whites seem absolutely assured that if they keep making a big stink about how much white people and “whiteness” suck, somehow they’ll magically be spared in the coming purges. They’re actually naïve enough to believe that if they chant “Black Lives Matter” loudly enough, nonwhites won’t view their white skin as the indelible tattoo of an enemy gang.

But don’t be surprised if someday soon you see them all shoved out of their jobs and posh neighborhoods in the name of racial justice and diversity, cursing their fate as they guzzle whiskey and overdose on Vicodin.


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