January 12, 2017

Source: Bigstock

Now that Trump has won, now that the left’s scarecrows have been torn to shreds, and now that the “€œalt-right”€ is struggling to find an identity that goes beyond merely being pro-Trump, some on the alt-right are making the same mistake that the GOP establishment did: They are ignoring the fact that they have a dynamite hand to play in merely opposing the straight white Christian male-bashing of the left. They don”€™t think that’s enough. They don”€™t just want to be against something, they want to be for something. Simply saying “€œWe”€™re committed to providing a counterpoint to those who say whites are evil privileged racists”€ is seen as inadequate. Way too many so-called alt-right “€œleaders”€ believe that the only way to fight the bullshit from the left is with bullshit from the right. Hence the Matt Parrotts who want the alt-right to adopt lunatic ideas like forming a white homeland and seceding from the U.S., hence the Matt Parrotts who think the key to ensuring a continued alt-right presence on the national political scene is to keep bitching about how the Jews gave us “€œnegro jazz.”€

These are the whispers of the devil on the shoulder of that rough, amorphous glob known as the alt-right, while the angel on the other shoulder is saying, “€œPlay it smart. Play a good defense. Stop sieg heiling and telling people that the Talmud is the reason their car insurance went up. Be the sane voice for white working-class Americans that white working-class Americans need.”€

The rational angels will almost surely lose, and the fanatical devils will win. And it will be a pyrrhic victory, as once the Parrotts chase out the rationalists, the “€œestablishments”€ (left and right) will have the perfect excuse to bury the alt-right for good. Because, as I said earlier, white Christian Americans are a tolerant folk. It took a long time for a significant number of them to fight back against the bombardment of hate emanating from the left, but just because the demographic grew a pair in 2016 doesn”€™t mean it’s open to Nazism or secession. White Americans rebelled in 2016 because they were tired of being called unworthy due to their skin color. Anyone who thinks that means they now want to be thought of as superior because of their skin color is insane. Working-class whites were simply tired of being told “€œYou suck.”€ The racial aspect of Trump’s victory was merely an expression of a longing for fairness and equality”€”real equality, not the left’s racist, tainted version. Neo-Nazi and white-supremacist alt-rightists will find that white America has no desire to go beyond that.

Several days after Matt Parrott condemned me, and several days after I had forgotten he even existed, he sent me, of all things, a Facebook friend request! And when I made it clear I had no interest in palling around with a nutty white separatist who thinks I”€™m an “€œinfiltrator”€ (and seriously, why would you friend-request an infiltrator?), he responded with surprise, stating, “€œI”€™ve enjoyed your work for decades,”€ adding that he assumed I”€™d be “€œreasonable”€ regarding his insults, because apparently I”€™m one of the good ones.

Stultum facit fortuna, quem vult perdere. Whom Fortune wishes to destroy, she first makes stupid. I truly hope that the best elements of the alt-right, the ones who, even if I don”€™t agree with them completely, can provide an intelligent counterpoint to the leftist race-haters in the “€œlegit”€ press, survive the idle pleasures of these victorious days. The country needs them. But I fear they will not survive, and their destruction will come not at the hands of “€œJew infiltrators,”€ but rather the pied pipers of stupidity from within their own ranks.


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