February 05, 2013

Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro

What a horrible country, eh?

P.S.: Even Landsmark’s against busing now, too.

(Now that’s a cool movie idea!)

I didn’t think “Boston neo-Nazis” were some festering problem that warranted a pricey, prestige television series with an Oscar-winning show-runner.

So I Googled the phrase “Boston neo-Nazis” and got back a grand total of four results, two of them a call to action posted at anarchist websites to counter-protest an August 24, 2002 National Alliance march on Washington, DC.

Illustrative “recent examples of fascist violence” listed in this old call to action “include a plot by Boston neo-nazis [sic] to bomb bridges and monuments named after Black and Jewish citizens.”

So I Googled various combinations of the words in that sentence. The best result I got was a January 11, 2012 post at Sam Francis’s blog, and by “best” I mean “funniest”:

New media hoax: Left-wing media turns liberal Jewish alleged bomb makers into “Neo-Nazis.”

(Now that’s a cool movie idea!)

Still figuring I had to be missing something, I sprang for a $9.95 pass to the Boston Globe‘s archives, granting me access stretching back to 1980.

Again, I typed in “neo-Nazis.” Of the 300+ results, most of them were datelined “Germany” or elsewhere in Europe.

Very few stories had any Boston connection. One tantalizing, far-too-short “Metro/Region” squib dated August 7, 2002 reassured locals that after “a summer break and reprieve from neo-Nazis who kept showing up at their meetings earlier this year, members of the Human Relations Commission are reconvening tomorrow night at the Memorial Building” in Framingham.

Wait: August, 2002 again? Were these the same saboteurs plotting to bomb the “Chaney, Goodman & Schwerner Memorial Overpass and Rest Stop” that all those anarchists had been fretting about earlier?

That’s still unclear to me, but I finally did learn something about that particular foiled fascist bombing spree, in a December 16, 2006 Globe story. The female half of”€”get this”€”“Aryan Unit One,” we’re informed, “got a job after finishing her sentence last year, took college courses on architecture, developed a romance with a Jamaican man, and gave birth to a biracial daughter….”

(Now, that’s…)

Oh, skip it. No point giving Robert De Niro all these free, based-on-a-true-story movie ideas when he’s dead set on cinematizing his predictable liberal fever dreams. He’d just get cold feet.



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