December 01, 2016
Source: Bigstock
Even Ernst Zundel, the Holocaust-denying Hitler fanboy, the guy with a portrait of himself arm in arm with Uncle Adolf hanging in his living room, had to admit that his god had feet of clay on the Slavic issue. Zundel has devoted his life to rehabilitating the Führer’s image, and the price he’s paid has been so extreme, even those who find his message foul also find his treatment cruel and inhumane. Surely he’s no “cuck.” Yet here’s his take on Hitler’s attitude regarding the Slavs (from his address to the 1994 Institute for Historical Review conference, in which he described his “goodwill trip” to Russia):
Again and again a phrase came up in these talks, one phrase that really bothered the Russians with whom I spoke: Untermensch, “subhuman.” This very unfortunate term, which means something like subhuman scum, was used in early German wartime propaganda to describe the Soviets. In every discussion between and Russians and Germans (and perhaps any Westerner), these things loomed large: the German invasion of Russia, Hitler’s war against the Stalin regime, the Untermensch phrase, and Germans looking down on the Slavs as second-class Europeans…. With regard to the Untermensch term, I said that it was simply stupid to call Russians subhumans. I couldn”t help but think this as I talked with all these fine-looking examples of Aryan manhood. I might mention that every Russian I met with was, racially speaking, a beautiful specimen”two meters tall, with blue eyes and blond hair. Compared to them I looked like a short, second-rate runt.
Among acknowledged National Socialists, from National Vanguard to Zundel, from Himmler to Hitler himself, there is agreement: Hitler was no pan-European hero, and no champion of “whites.” In fact, his plans, had Germany won the war, involved cleansing Eastern Europe of native Europeans, retaining some as slaves, and forcing the rest “beyond the Urals.” He was a man whose petty hatreds, racial animus, and poor strategic decisions led to the death of millions of whites and damn near doomed the whole of Europe. Hitler’s toxicity is as deserved as that of any dictator. To be clear, he was not the singular comic-book devil that Hollywood has made him out to be, but he was no hero. And if you insist on viewing him as one, please get your facts straight and invoke him as a hero of Germany specifically, not “Europe” or “whites.”
I bring this up because without question there are legitimate, serious issues on the table right now regarding Europe and whites. There is a concerted effort to rob European nations of their sovereignty, to flood the continent with hostile and unassimilable immigrants, and to destroy Europe’s indigenous cultures. That’s a genuine concern, and an important one. Here in the U.S., many whites are sick and tired of being made to feel as though they have to apologize for their skin color. It’s not a matter of whites wanting to loudly proclaim “white is better”; it’s more that whites are fed up with being told “white is bad.” Antiwhite sentiment in the news media, in Hollywood, on college campuses, and in so many other influential corners of American society is a rapidly metastasizing cancer that deserves to be aggressively confronted.
The problem is, the moment it seems like there’s even a chance of making progress on those issues, some jackass brings up Hitler, and all momentum is lost. Some pro-white or pro-Europe bonehead invokes a guy who was neither pro-white nor pro-Europe, and the deserved toxicity of the brand kills a nascent debate. This is one reason why sometimes I just want to scream at certain people, “Please stop helping.”
I”m in no way sold on the notion that Trump will be an effective (or even ideologically coherent) president, but it irks me to see people like Richard Spencer foolishly try to queer Trump’s deal before the man can even take office. Give the guy a chance. And a good step in that direction is to please shut the fuck up about Hitler.