February 05, 2014

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Source: Shutterstock

There is another “Home Week” on the calendar scheduled for the first of July. Yet contemporary politics is built upon theatrics. Is it likely Congress will pass up the opportunity to finagle balloting in favor of those “hard-working and just-wanting-a-better-life” immigrants on July 4th?

Could America’s enemies resist making its traditional birth date the same date of its demise? Hardly; if there is to be a vote it will be on or near the holiday. Anticipate an urgent “Special Session” when Americans are at the beach or barbecues and otherwise least expect it.

Every man and woman of good conscience should organize now to defeat this monstrosity. Like terrorists, these domestic saboteurs need only be successful once, while we must thwart their intent every time.

In this the power of the pen is not overrated. Throughout Washington letters are esteemed higher than emails and emails higher than faxes. Flooding a situation room with copies of protest literature has its value, but legislators are impressed by the voter who takes time out of his or her day to craft a missive in their own handwriting and put a stamp on it.

Moreover, Congressmen and their aides will tell you telephone calls don’t matter. Calls don’t matter in the same way popularity polls “don’t matter”; politicians all say they never look at them and they are all lying to you. Calls For and Against are scrupulously logged each evening, and the elected official reviews them.

If you make an effort, it arrests their attention in a meaningful way. As significant legislation, the balance of victory will be slight. A solitary statesman overwhelmed by constituent outrage could upset this intrigue.

Defense of the historic American nation was once a fight many of us never thought we would see. Then suddenly we were skirmishing. Now we seem to grapple with ruination every other year.

It is tiresome and exhausting, but it is necessary. If we lose, everything from personal safety on the street to education in our schools to security at our jobs to public graft to petty bribery and up to a hundred other aspects of civilized life we take for granted will vanish.

For some of us who are financially equipped, there is escape. If you have dual citizenship or substantial property abroad, you have options. If not, you had better fight for your life as you know it.

Finally, never cease to remind politicians that their name on the voting record, especially in supporting this treason, will be the ultimate register of who has made himself known as an enemy of the people.



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