May 20, 2013
HOMOPHOBE“Someone with a distaste for sex that involves feces and AIDS.
HONEST CONVERSATION ABOUT RACE“Condescending lecture about race.
INDIGENOUS“Anyone too stupid to figure out how to defend one’s own land.
INSTITUTIONAL RACISM“A persistent hallucination of ubiquitous racism that is so deranged, anyone who experiences such hallucinations should be institutionalized.
ISLAMOPHOBE“Someone so terrified of Islamic retribution, they’re afraid to say anything bad about Islam.
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD“Severely tilting the playing field to achieve unnaturally equal results.
LOOKISM“A term used by ugly people to explain why beautiful people won’t fuck them.
LOW-INFORMATION VOTER“A voter who refuses to accept our brand of low information.
MARRIAGE EQUALITY“The act of pretending that two people of the same sex who can’t produce children are equivalent to opposite-sex couples who can produce children.
MISOGYNIST“One who believes that women are human beings who are fully capable of intentionally harming others.
NEANDERTHAL“A term that became acceptable to apply to those of European ancestry shortly after it no longer became acceptable to refer to those of African ancestry as apes.
NEGATIVITY“Anything that negates our naïve worldview.
NONPROFIT“A tax-exempt organization that pays its staff members handsome salaries.
OBJECTIFICATION“The act of noticing that women possess an object called a vagina.
OCCUPIER“Someone who eagerly flouts the law and will eagerly threaten lawsuits if you challenge them.
OFFENSIVE“Things that hurt our feelings and thus make us go on the offensive, whether through litigation or mob action, in order to counter them.
ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY“Someone who actually understands history and thus can see where all this is going.
OPEN-MINDED“Someone whose mind is closed to anyone who questions modern culture and modern authoritarian structures.
OUT OF TOUCH“Unresponsive to our relentless propaganda.
PARANOID“Justifiably skeptical of human nature and the manmade power organisms through which it operates.
PATRIARCHY“The group who invents everything, does most of the work, fights the wars, is at a legal disadvantage in gender disputes, and dies younger.
PSEUDOSCIENCE“Actual science that makes us pseudo-crazy.
PROGRESSIVE“Someone who sees no contradiction in using the almighty state’s blunt force to help “Fight the Power.”
PROGRESSIVE POLITICS“Politics that favor a government that is progressively intrusive.
PROGRESSIVISM“The idea that progress can only be achieved by transforming the First World into the Third World.
RACIST“A word used by anyone, white or not, who hates white people.
RACISM“A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct that is currently forbidden to only one tribe.
RAPE CULTURE“A fantasy society dreamed of by women who fantasize about being raped.
REDNECK“A racial slur used to describe people we assume are always using racial slurs.
RIGHTS“Things we wish to take away from the political right.
SEX-POSITIVE“A term almost exclusively used by someone with whom you would positively never want to have sex.
SOCIAL CONSTRUCT“A term used frequently by people who have never constructed anything of social value.
SOCIAL CONTRACT“A nonexistent legal document that no one in society has ever signed yet which binds everyone under threat of force.
SOCIAL JUSTICE“A fairy-tale belief system positing that the winners are solely responsible for the losers’ plight.
SOCIOPATH“A non-socialist.
STARTING A DIALOGUE“Starting a monologue.
SUSTAINABILITY“A term that applies strictly to agriculture and the environment and is never to be used in economic, demographic, or cultural contexts.
TOLERANCE“Ideological intolerance.
TRANSFORMATIVE“Something in the process of accelerated change, as in when a normal cell mutates into a cancer cell.
TRIVIALIZE“To weigh mitigating circumstances and/or place into a proper historical context.
TRUTH TO POWER“The act of speaking obvious untruths in a quest to gain political power.
UPRISING“A violent riot characterized by looting, arson, rape, murder, and random acts of cannibalism.
WHITE“The color of evil.
WHITE PRIVILEGE“The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.
WHITE SUPREMACIST“Any white person who isn’t constantly apologizing for their skin color.
WORKING CLASS“A heroic tribe of simple-yet-noble people we’ve never met but have read about in books.