September 10, 2011

As is their wont, Carson’s audience chimed in with their blindly gullible church-style “yeahs” and “that’s rights,” apparently never pausing to consider that maybe some people wanted nothing more than for them to quit whining, get a job, and perhaps a healthy IQ injection while they’re at it. Most Americans still say they personally like Obama but not his policies, a fact which alone annihilates the crassly idiotic “You’re just mad ’coz he’s black” meme. If anyone’s trying to ignite a race war here, it doesn’t seem like the Tea Party. Then again, Democrats have always made it racial.

Head Teamster James Hoffa Jr., son of dead Teamster James Hoffa Sr., gave a Labor Day speech introducing Barack Obama in Detroit—a place which many would suggest now resembles barren lunar tundra due at least in part to labor-union sloth and greed. Hoffa, who reportedly pulls down close to $400K yearly in salary and benefits for being a member of the “working class,” lobbed the following mouth-bombs at the crowd:

We gotta keep an eye on the battle that we face, a war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party….The one thing about working people is we like a good fight….President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Everybody here’s got a vote. If we go back, and we keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.

An Obama spokesman later said that the president did not hear Hoffa’s comments, presumably in the same manner he did not hear the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s comments for twenty years. Regardless, in his Detroit speech that followed Hoffa’s, Obama didn’t mind employing a little gun imagery when he told the crowd, “I know it’s not easy when there’s some folks who have their sights trained on you.”

Also on Labor Day, Vice President Joseph “The Plagiarist” Biden told a Cincinnati crowd that organized labor’s members “are the only ones who can stop the barbarians at the gate!” He was plagiarizing himself this time, as he’d also employed the same clumsy “barbarians” metaphor back in March. In August, keepin’ it civil yet again, he said Republicans had “acted like terrorists” during the debt-ceiling debate.

September brings us new heights in progressive civility with the unveiling of a video game called “Tea Party Zombies Must Die,” in which players can murder characters such as “generic pissed off old white guy zombie,” “pissed off stupid white trash redneck birther zombie,” Fox News pundits, the Koch brothers, and politicians such as Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachmann.

Now, imagine if—oh, forget it. You know where this is going.

A review of recent Twitter comments shows scads of self-identified leftists and progressives openly calling for their ideological opponents to die, kill themselves, or get killed.

Now, imagine if—ditto.

Modern American liberals might be the most confused ideological group in world history. They feign compassion while every word out of their mouths burns with hostility. They falsely conflate being anti-government with being pro-corporate. They confuse being pro-worker with being pro-government. They never see illegal-alien workers as “scabs” and never stopped to consider that their endlessly splintering and insatiably litigious identity politics and unfettered globalist sympathies have been the primary destroyers of the American middle and working classes they pretend to represent.

If any sense is to be made of leftism at all, it is best understood as a perpetual-motion machine of guilt-projection. We can’t even figure out what progressivism even thinks it is anymore…the ne plus ultra of tolerance, but they’ll blow your head off if you beg to disagree? Good luck winning that war, you paper tigers.



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