January 03, 2015
Source: Shutterstock
But as a jerk columnist in the New York Times wrote, “The Whites Just Don”t Get It.” Well, one white guy I know (I only met him once at a dinner) does get it, and he has just sold his Nobel Prize medal for $4.1 million, which he plans to give to charity in order to redeem himself for something he said back in 2007. James Watson, the codiscoverer of DNA, told the London Sunday Times that he felt gloomy about Africa because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really.”
Ouch, veritas odium parit, or for the few of you who don”t speak Latin, truth purchases hatred. Well, the good Dr. Watson had become a nonperson these last seven years, the academy and the media turning up their nose at him for telling such a monstrous truth. The time I sat next to him at an intimate dinner I found him to be a wonderful man, warm and obviously extremely intelligent, but he didn”t take my advice to tell the media to reproduce themselves as far as Africa was concerned.
And so it goes. This will be the year that all whites might become illegal, especially those who prefer the police to criminals and order to disorder. For myself I no longer care. We”ve lost the war so the only thing to do is to try and enjoy myself while I”m still allowed out. Perhaps if the thought police rounded all of us up and interned us in camps the world would be a far better place. Just think, yachting off the Liberian Riviera, or picnicking along the banks of the Tigris. Rubirosa and Onassis never had it so good. Have a very happy New Year and I”ll see you in camp.