August 04, 2015
Cecil and his pride
Source: Shutterstock
“For how long?” I replied. “A day? And why is the Great White Hunter permitted to slay these creatures but not the natives? Isn”t that racist colonial imperialism?”
Then: “These hunts employ 70,000 people.”
Wow! On a continent of hundreds of millions? And since when do you people care about healthy employment rates in places like, say, the “evil” Alberta oil sands?
“But what about how many villagers are killed by lions?”
Probably not as many villagers as are killed by other villagers, especially if they”re albinos.
I”ve asked a number of these folks why Africa still seems to need so much “help,” trillions of dollars and multiple generations of Mrs. Jellybys later.
I”ve asked them whether or not their affection for Africans extends to “the locals”” virulent hatred of homosexuals and the handicapped.
I”ve asked them if they”ve ever heard of a lion raping a lion cub in an attempt to cure his AIDS”or of a lion getting AIDS in the first place.
I”ve asked them why they keep bitching about “mosquito nets” when they are the same morons who banned DDT in the first place.
I”ve asked them why South Africa seems to be worse than it was under apartheid, and why Zimbabwe rather belatedly wants (and needs) its white farmers back, but only after the president finishes “eating a zoo“ for his birthday.
I expect such stupidity from liberals. But it’s ironic that so many traditionalist conservatives are also mocking those moved and saddened by a lion’s death. The humane treatment of animals, and even a sometimes cloying affection for such creatures, is one of the hallmarks of the Western civilization they always claim to be defending.
And their newfound alliance with decidedly uncivilized Africans is even more baffling.