July 16, 2013

Source: Professor Benjamin Levin

So last week, those of us who”€™ve long criticized the provincial educational establishment’s head-slapping inanity”€”the celebrations of Afrocentrism, Che Guevara, and cross-dressing; the sex-segregated “mosque” at one public school; the graphic gay-sex how-to poster at another”€”threw ourselves a little Schadenfreude party.

After all, when we”€™d mused that all this “€œsex ed”€ stuff looked more like a way for jaded, bitter grown-ups to groom future fresh sexual conquests (on our dime), we were condemned as “rightwing reactionary homophobes” who should leave education to the “educators””€”or as many of them pointedly prefer, “co-parents.”

(Leaving aside the specifics of that particularly perverse provincial curriculum: If public-school sex education is so effective, wherever do all those painfully ignorant Loveline callers keep coming from?)

Predictably, Levin’s fellow elites in the media and elsewhere erupted in a scolding chorus of “€œAlleged! Accused! He’s just accused!”€ “€”cries rarely heard when, say, fat, gauche, “€œrightwing”€ Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto was “€œseen smoking crack on a cell phone video!!”€ Months later, that video still hasn”€™t surfaced, but that didn”€™t stop liberals from tweeting the rumor around the globe.

Or take the fate of another professor, a western, conservative one. Tom Flanagan, a lifelong Conservative Party brain-truster, recently wondered aloud in a university classroom about whether or not “€œmerely”€ viewing child porn in one’s own home should be a crime.

Flanagan, being a libertarian egghead and all, spitballed that such criminalization was “€œa real issue of personal liberty. To what extent [should] we put people in jail for doing something in which they do not harm another person?”€

Literally overnight, Flanagan lost every job he had, including his professorship. (The University of Lethbridge hurriedly announced his “€œretirement.”€) He was pounced on left and right, even from the office of the prime minister he”€™d helped elect.

It’s hard not to notice the drastic contrast between the establishment’s reaction to Flanagan’s offhanded bull-session musings and Levin’s (alleged) crimes.

I don”€™t know if Levin is guilty of anything. Canadian cops are increasingly corrupt and incompetent.

But it would be so damn funny if the incriminating “€œevidence”€ on Benjamin Levin’s confiscated computer turns out to be copies of that explicit sex-ed curriculum he and his fellow “€œeducators”€ wanted to shove down thousands of young throats.



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