Compassionate Conservatism
We are truly living in a Bizarro World: I’m watching MSNBC, where Pat Buchanan is defending Larry Craig, while obvious dyke Rachel Maddow is calling for his head. Craig, says Rachel, should be thrown out of the ...
We are truly living in a Bizarro World: I’m watching MSNBC, where Pat Buchanan is defending Larry Craig, while obvious dyke Rachel Maddow is calling for his head. Craig, says Rachel, should be thrown out of the ...
The National Post opines: “Of all the provocative things for the Iranian president to say in his rambling address, the strangest has to be his contention that there are no gay people in Iran.” Yet not so ...
A few weeks ago when the Fed announced a strategy designed to bring down long-term interest and home mortgage rates through unlimited Treasury bond purchases, government debt staged a spectacular rally. To the unschooled ...
This isn’t the first time I’ve written a story about CBRE, the multinational worth 28 billion and headed by Brett White, in this space. The behemoth, which did not do its due diligence and managed to lose the life ...
He’s baaaaaaaaaaaaack!: “Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has offered Wolfowitz, a prime architect of the Iraq War, a position as chairman of the International Security Advisory Board, a prestigious State ...
Will George W. Bush beat out Harry Truman and Richard Nixon as the President with the lowest poll ratings ever? 65 percent currently disapprove of Dubya’s job performance, whereas Truman reached 67 percent during the ...
Two weeks after the Republican convention in St. Paul, Minn., John McCain and Sarah Palin were striding forward toward victory. They had erased the eight-point lead Barack Obama had opened up in Denver and watched as one ...
Peggy Noonan delivers a warning to the Republican presidential pack: “The debate was full of fireworks about Iraq, about its essentials—the rightness of the endeavor, and what should rightly be done now. From ...
For a few fleeting, horrifying moments this past week the fault lines that underlie the global economic crisis erupted into plain view. With deft and quick effort leaders in Washington, Europe, and Asia papered over the ...
John McCain may have just let slip his last best chance to be president of the United States. When he flew back to Washington to address the banking crisis, McCain could have seized the hottest issue in America by taking ...
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“And so the blood-drenched cycle begins again, each side convinced that it has no option but to make the other suffer.” This from a London Daily Telegraph >editorial. What my favorite London paper did not write ...
One amusing aspect of the New York Times's coverage of the government takeovers of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is that throughout the Gray Lady's 2000-word lead essay, it's never once mentioned that the two lending ...
File under the heading: "There Goes the ...
I know few liberals who support the War on Drugs, marriage "protection" amendments or the PATRIOT Act. In fact, if you talk to the most vocal Leftists about drug criminalization, gay marriage or the loss of civil ...
The traditionalist-conservative critique reminds us that capitalism is not necessarily a friend of ...
I’ve written here several times on the best way to convey the case for limiting immigration into the U.S., both illegal and legal. I’ve striven, perhaps imperfectly, to convey why patriotic Americans of every ...
Jim Geraghty, writing in National Review, has some advice for Ron Paul: “In a perfect world, I’d like to see Ron Paul say, ‘My campaign has never been about money, but we find ourselves with more money ...
Okay, not really. But this is a column about the joys of nepotism. The Left-wing dictator I hated the least was Juan Peron, the Argentine strongman whose sartorial sense was as impeccable as his will to rule. Peron preened ...
By now the news that Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) was arrested for “lewd conduct” at the Minneapolis airport rest room—thereby carrying on a long tradition of ostensibly anti-gay, pro-“family ...
“In 1877, Lord Salisbury, commenting on Great Britain’s policy on the Eastern Question, noted that ‘the commonest error in politics is sticking to the carcass of dead policies.’ “Salisbury was ...
I’m watching Tim Russert rip Rudy apart on “Meet the Press”: during the course of an exchange over why Hizzoner’s then-girlfriend was getting police protection before anyone knew she was his ...
He's basically a wet Tuesday afternoon in Coney Island: something featureless and uninteresting, to be got through with patience and ...
In a piece entitled “5 Moments That Changed the GOP Race,” Reid Wilson, of, describes number 5: “Ron Paul raises $4 million and $6 million in individual days. The important thing to ...