Recrossing the Rubicon

A recent report by Scott McConnell, editor-at-large of The American Conservative, that Emperor BarackO, Proconsul Hillary Clinton, and the Praetorian General, David Petraeus, have ...

Washington Murdered Privacy At Home And Abroad

In the Swiss newspaper Zeit-Fragen, Professor Dr. Eberhard Hamer from Germany asks, “How Sovereign is Europe?” He examines the issue and concludes that Europe has ...

America’s First Suicide Bomber

Joseph Stack, frustrated American, flew his airplane into an Austin, Texas, office building. He was one of the 79 percent of Americans who have given up on “their” ...

Grounds For Hope and Despair

My Feb. 16 column, “A Country of Serfs Ruled By Oligarchs,” received confirmation from high places on the very day it appeared. Popular Indiana Democratic U.S. Senator ...

Markets Fail When Humans Are Unregulated

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan answered that he had placed his trust in a flawed theory when he was called before Congress to explain why he, Goldman Sachs ...

Bête Noire

The dead and displaced now run into the millions, lawless ruination continues unabated in Zimbabwe. But, Morgan Tsvangirai, the president, and man Zimbabweans looked to for ...

First Circle: Liberty Has Been Lost

        I had just finished reading the uncensored edition of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book, In the First Circle (Harper Perennial, 2009), when I came ...

Fat City

“It’s time to stop worrying about the deficit—and start panicking about the debt,” the Washington Post editorial began. “The fiscal situation was ...

Evil Empire

The U.S. government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people ...

Capitol Hill Hos

I don’t know much about economics. What I do know is that so many so-called “experts,” including politicians and economists, are wrong far more often than they ...

The Health Care Deception

The current health care “debate” shows how far gone representative government is in the United States. Members of Congress represent the powerful interest groups that ...

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Lie Them

When Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted “you lie!” at President Obama during his speech on national healthcare, the congressman made headlines, was denounced by ...

Lords of War

In a little time [there will be] no middling sort. We shall have a few, and but a very few Lords, and all the rest beggars. —R.L. Bushman Rapidly you are dividing into two ...

Lindsey Being Lindsey

While his party moves Right under Obama, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham remains the quintessential big government Republican. Six months into his presidency, the most ...

Conservative Movement Embraces Conservative Principles, Whoring

"€œ[I]t is now undeniable that the American Conservative Movement, the flower of Free World and the true hero of the Cold War, has ended in utter failure"€, wrote ...

Obama’s Court of Red Czars

Although Obama has appointed more czars in six months than Russia's Romanov Dynasty had occasion to anoint over three centuries, he is still missing a Vegetable Czar. If he acts ...

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