Taki’s praise of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the The Great Gatsby is much deserved. If Gatsby is not quite the best American novel, its opening chapter should be regarded as the ...
Captain Black from Catch-22 is back, but this time he's Israel's Foreign Affairs Minister. Although Avigdor Lieberman only rose to the rank of corporal in the Israeli Defense ...
For the fourth day running, France has been crippled by strikes. Airlines are canceling flights. Travelers making their way to Paris from DeGaulle and Orly face long ...
Controversy recently erupted when Rick Sanchez, whom CNN subsequently sacked, noted that Jews have a disproportionately large influence on the media. Attempts at disproving his ...
The Tyler Clementi case has been illuminating in several respects. Clementi was a Rutgers University freshman, sharing a dorm room with another 18-year-old, Dharun Ravi. Clementi ...
Is “Big Sis” one of us? Janet Napolitano, secretary of homeland security—Big Sis to regular readers of the Drudge Report—held a press conference last week ...
As temperatures drop, the nights grow longer, and America careens toward another round of elections, it's hard to believe it was only two years ago that Barack Obama had cobbled ...
Halloween isn’t for another three weeks, but environmental ghouls are on the haunt. A sadistic video released by global warming fear-mongers reveals an inconvenient truth ...
An international shouting match is underway over the fate of the city everyone loves but no one wants to live in: Venice. It started back in 2008, after Venice ran out of cash to ...
When news of Tyler Clementi’s suicide broke last month, it outraged all the “right” people for most of the wrong reasons. Reeling with humiliation after falling ...
Two first ladies will hit the campaign trail for Democrats this month: Michelle Obama, champion of ordinary Americans, and Michelle Obama, money-grubber for the liberal elite. The ...
Blood was spilled three weeks ago when Christine O"Donnell beat centrist Republican Mike Castle in Delaware's GOP primary. Long suspicious of the Tea Party challenge to ...
The left isn"t good at many things, but they are Iron Chefs at the art of being embarrassing. They are so skilled at it, they take it beyond cringe into actual "douche ...
The oh-my-god political news story of recent weeks in this neck of the woods was a September 22 poll showing Carl Paladino just six points behind Andrew Cuomo among likely voters ...
After John McCain’s defeat, even amateur political analysts could see a trend ultimately fatal to the Republican Party. Ninety percent of McCain voters were white, and 90 ...
An Irishman's home is his coffin. "James Joyce, Ulysses The dead use a graveyard forever. "Nathan Englander, The Ministry of Special Cases Over the last couple of ...