Hey! Are Those Bullets in Your NPR Tote?

If you were worried that liberals would tone down the apocalyptic rhetoric about Donald Trump after Saturday's assassination attempt -- He's an existential threat to democracy! a fascist! an aspiring dictator! an authoritarian! Hitler! -- you can rest easy. Apparently, the left has concluded that the best way to avoid political violence in the future is to ratchet up their dire warnings about the end of democracy presaged by a second Trump presidency. (That's almost as good as their plan to lower deficits by spending more.) Two days after the shooting, Vox announced in a headline, "Yes, ...

Nazis in Moderation

This week’s column will start self-indulgently and then brilliantly segue into something of greater import. Or so I’m telling myself as I down the rum. Last week a Twitter ...

The Media Guide to Shooting Joggers

I did not think I could hate The New York Times more. But thanks to Gregory Mantell's amazing new book, Special Victim Status, The Era of Woke Journalism, I do! Mantell's ...


Have you heard about the "bee-pocalypse?" My new video explains. Honeybees are dying! It's another environmental crisis we're supposed to worry about. The media call it ...

Royce Hall, UCLA

UCLA’s Mostly Peaceful Counterprotest

In the most violent episode so far in the vastly publicized campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, at the end of April a goon squad of nationalist whites attacked the ...

Capitalism Versus Racism

Capitalism and racism go together? I hear it all the time. "Racism is intricately linked to capitalism," says famous Marxist Angela Davis. "It's a mistake to assume that we can ...

Blue Stories Matter

For years I worked as police reporter for The Washington Times, spending long hours in squad cars in various cities getting to know cops well. Now I listen to nice white people in ...

Francis Scott Key Bridge

Like a Bridge Over Maxine Waters

I don’t think I could have chosen a better or more appropriate metaphor for the abject disastrous state that this nation finds itself mired in than what happened this past ...

Kelsey Grammer

Oh Sadist, Can You See

At Christmastime, I tend to gravitate toward lighter topics. Because why befoul such a wondrous season with ugliness? So on a lighter note, last week a BBC Kelsey Grammer ...

The Right’s Derek Chauvinism

Quick quiz: Who was Jerry Parr? Don’t Google it, that’s cheating! Without looking it up, do you know who he was? Odds are, you don’t. Jerry Parr was the Secret Service ...

Halting the Pursuit of Knowledge

This ought to be a golden age of the social sciences. The immense reduction in the cost of DNA testing is allowing massive assaults on the most venerable conundrums of nature vs. ...

The Great ‘Green Energy Transition’ That Wasn’t

One of the textbook marketing flops of all time was the Ford Edsel sedan, which was heralded as the hot new car in the late 1950s. All the automotive experts and Ford executives ...

Staple a Green Card to Their ‘Kill the Jews’ Signs

In last week's column, we noted the popularity of Hamas terrorists with BLM representatives. This week, we'll consider the other main contingent of Hamas Boosters: foreigners, ...

Bidenomics vs. MAGAnomics: Two Tastes of the Same Old SHIT

The new political dividing line in America’s never-ending culture wars will be economic: Bidenomics versus MAGAnomics. Apparently, Bidenomics will make the average American ...

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