July 25, 2016
University of Washington
Source: Bigstock
From Cologne to Rotherham, the dangers of unfettered immigration of alien cultures are known. But Europe’s leaders insist on maintaining the flow of strangers to shore. In America, the same effort is under way, though not in the open. Voiced resistance to the deliberate crowding out of our liberal culture is lampooned as bigotry.
That liberalism leads to masochism might seem like an anomaly, but there is logic to it. If you”re devoted to unbiased pluralism, you have no grounds to object to abhorrent behavior. Jean Raspail recognized this self-defeating trend in his alarmingly predictive novel The Camp of the Saints, where Europeans couldn”t bring themselves to forcibly repel low-class Indian miscreants from their home. Last year’s Submission by Michel Houellebecq further epitomized liberal effeteness as the bien-pensants, lulled into cultural complacency by their own decadence, elect the Muslim Brotherhood candidate as the president of France over right-winger Marine Le Pen.
A common theme runs from Raspail to Houellebecq: If you can”t defend your heritage, your heritage will die. Whites of European descent have forgotten that age-old lesson. The very ethos that gave birth to the most powerful society in history is eroding its very purpose for being.
If liberalism is to survive, it needs to be balanced with, to put it crudely, some strong-armed reactionaryism. The more absolutist parts of liberalism (a fetish for economic growth, an obsession with human autonomy, a servile worshipping of cultural differences) will have to be excised and replaced with a love for what’s close to the heart. The stirrings of such a movement are here. Whether it progresses into a sustainable governing framework will be the West’s biggest test since the Cold War.