September 14, 2016
Source: Bigstock
Personally, I”m a big fan of Elderly Tourette’s Syndrome because I enjoy hearing what famous people really think.
Similarly (and second), Hillary’s North Korean-sounding denunciation of “the basket of deplorables” who make up much of the American public was wildly popular with many prestigious Trump haters, such as Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic, Dana Milbank of The Washington Post, Charles Blow of The New York Times, James Kirchick of the New York Daily News, and Jamelle Bouie of Slate. Finally, they exclaimed, Hillary was revealing the truth: that people who don”t vote for her are evil.
Why are they deplorable? Because some of them are crimethinkers. Most of the columists cited a poll that found that only 68 percent of Trump supporters, compared with 78 percent of Clinton backers, didn”t agree with the deplorable contention that blacks are less intelligent than whites. Moreover, a mere 53 percent of Trump supporters, versus 68 percent of Hillary voters, refused to agree with the lamentable assertion that blacks are less lawful than whites.
Coates, for instance, triumphantly exclaimed:
For speaking a truth, backed up by data, Clinton was accused of promoting bigotry.
Granted, a century of endlessly replicated social science studies have found that, on average, blacks are in truth both less intelligent and less lawful than whites.
So, the survey data show that Trump supporters are somewhat less ignorant of the past 100 years of social science than are Clinton acolytes. A serious question would be: How much trouble is this country in when even Trump voters are unaware or unwilling to be honest about fundamental social realities?
But instead, the pundits leaped to condemn the fact that Trump supporters are slightly less stupid on average than Hillary supporters.
After such knowledge, what forgiveness?
None, of course.
Federal data are hatestats.
“Deplorable” is a dysphemism for “honest.”
Thus, on Monday, the media became obsessed with forcing Mike Pence to officially “deplore” David Duke, who was last elected to office during the 1980s.
Duke is irrelevant, except that, following the death of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), he is the last surviving former Ku Klux Klan official that anybody has ever heard of. With Haven Monahan being, despite the media’s extraordinary efforts, unfortunately unavailable, the aging Duke has to stand in as the KKKrazy Glue that holds the Democratic Coalition of the Fringes together.
Trump has caught on that Hillary is, as Freud would say, projecting, accusing Trump of the exact emotions she is acting upon. On Monday, Trump reproached her for heading a “campaign of hate,” of “running a hate-filled and negative campaign.”
This election has turned into the Waterloo of the War on Noticing.