May 12, 2015
Ann Coulter
Source: Shutterstock
“I was never a true believer, but the money was good.”
When I started writing about politics and hanging around with conservatives, I started hearing leftists say the weirdest crap.
Stuff that stank of desperation, like some dough-bellied comb-over”d dude trawling a mail order bride site.
You know what I mean:
If you”re Canadian, you”ve been hearing for most of this century that Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a racist “Dominionist” Christian with a “hidden agenda” and that any day now, the country will transmogrify into The Handmaid’s Tale.
In actuality, the PM’s spittle-spraying critics “ rather like TV’s Bigfoot Hunters or those cranks camped on the shores of Loch Ness “ believe far more devoutly in Harper’s Christianity than he’s ever seemed to. His real “religion” appears to have something to do with hockey and cats.
Even the Soviets quickly realized that their go-to cartoon insult “ sticking a cowboy’s Stetson on every president’s head “ didn”t work with JFK. But Canada’s progressives? After three elections, they still can’t admit their “Harper with devil’s horns and/or fangs” drawings have clearly had a less than devastating effect on voters.
Look: The guy’s doubled our Muslim population since 9/11 and/yet his Jewish voter base gets bigger every year. Plus I have yet to be fitted for my government issue ankle-length skirt.
Worst. White supremacist dystopia. Ever.
Meanwhile, south of the border: Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are many things, good and bad, but she isn”t “stupid” and he isn”t “loud.” But to leftists, right-wingers are all stupid and loud, and Coulter and Limbaugh are the only ones whose names they know. Think of the three-year-old who points at every animal and yells “moo!”
More pernicious, though, is the left’s persistent suspicion that Coulter, Limbaugh, and conservative people I know (and even me) “don”t really believe that stuff and are just saying it for the money.” Gavin McInnes soundly bitchslapped that notion here, but I usually go further:
First off, that’s the kind of thing people who don”t have any money always say. They”re super confused about how cash is acquired, which is why they resent those like Limbaugh who”ve managed to get any.
For almost 25 years, five days a week for three hours a day, Rush Limbaugh has monologued, mostly guest-less, on live radio to a national audience. Think about it: If he doesn”t really “believe that stuff,” then he’s arguably more deserving of that $40 million a year because let’s see you do that.