July 08, 2018
Justin Trudeau
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Sure, Congressman Maxine Waters is dumb, corrupt, and seemingly devoid of any redeeming characteristics, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to insult her.
An interracial catfight has emerged between Waters and that plastic-surgery disaster named Nancy Pelosi.
It all started after Waters’s infamous recent comment encouraging public harassment against Trump’s Cabinet members that bore an uncomfortable resemblance in sentiment to “Don’t let the sun set on you in this town, boy”:
…anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.
Possibly sensing that this level of Trial of Billy Jack insane leftist street violence that has infected the Democrat Party lately may be bad for the brand, Pelosi handed Waters a meek reprimand:
In the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America beautiful again. Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable.
Shocked and horrified by what they saw as essentially a slave whipping, a group of “nearly 200 black female leaders” that magically included “some men” sent an open letter to Pelosi demanding that she kneel and kiss Waters’s black ass:
Disparaging or failing to support Congresswoman Waters is an affront to her and Black women across the country and telegraphs a message that the Democratic Party can ill afford: that it does not respect Black women’s leadership and political power and discounts the impact of Black women and millennial voters.
Not to be outdone, a group of over 3,700 white women have sent their own letter to Pelosi, urging her to peel off her own white skin and burn it:
We, like you, are white women who care deeply about the direction in which our country is headed, and who believe that inaction in the face of oppression is unacceptable…When you attack a Black woman for speaking out about injustice, and when you call for “civility” in the face of blatant racism, you invoke a long history of white supremacist power….White women have been culpable throughout history for acting—or, just as shamefully, not acting—in ways that support white supremacy….To our great discredit, white women continue to act far too often in ways that support white supremacy, even when it is to our detriment.
Never to be outdone by anybody, our glorious president referred to the perpetually angry black Congresswoman as “Crazy Maxine Waters” and called her “an extraordinarily low IQ person.” How can anyone not love this man?
Twenty-eight-year-old Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being pimped as the future of the Democrat Party after her upset win against a long-entrenched incumbent in a recent NYC primary.
Since she is a brown woman, people are projecting the same sort of delusional hopes onto Cortez that they projected onto a brown woman named Barack Obama back in 2008.
And since she is all about wealth inequality, she has made very clear that she’s street smart and had to scrimp and scrap and squirm and save to get to where she is today.
Lodging what appears to be a veiled threat at Donald Trump, she has noted that since he’s from Queens, he probably doesn’t know “how to deal with a girl from the Bronx.” She also protested too much to the Washington Post that she “wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family” but instead was “born in a place where your zip code determines your destiny.”
That’s technically, true, if you focus on the “born” part. But by age five, her family was living in the notoriously upper-crust Westchester County town of Yorktown Heights, which is still 81% white and whose residents enjoy a per-capita income twice the national average.
Scratch a socialist and you’ll find a prep-school kid. It never fails.
UN human-rights experts—not that we trust them, nor that we even necessarily believe in or support human rights—have released a 126-page report detailing the grisly atrocities perpetrated between government forces and rebels in the Congo starting in late 2016.
You think Roots was bad? Listen to this:
• Young boys were forced to rape their mothers (which assumes they had to be forced)
• Soldiers ate victims’ flesh AS they died, not after they died
• Soldiers “sported female genitals as medals”
• Penises were cut from living men
• Little girls were convinced that witchcraft would enable them to catch bullets without harm
• Lots of blood-drinking
• 186 men and boys from one village were decapitated in one fell swoop
Suddenly there isn’t a single ghetto in America that doesn’t look good.
It is a scientific fact that no one likes male feminists, especially female feminists.
A recent study from the University of Kent and Iowa State University has found what all of us in our right, natural, God-given, red-blooded, hard-working, hard-playing, righteous minds have always known—women don’t like weak men. They like assholes. We didn’t make the rules, so don’t kill us for noticing them.
The term “benevolent sexist” applies to men who are kind to women in a way that the shrieking harpies of Fifth Wave Post-Feminism are likely to find condescending and patriarchal. Rather than slugging and raping women, they flex their misogyny muscles by offering to protect them from harm and provide for them.
Scientists Pelin Gul and Tom Kupfer note that women, even ones who identify as feminists, are more likely to express sexual attraction for so-called “benevolent sexists” than for “male feminist allies” who are gullible enough to treat women as their equals:
Evidence shows that many women – even those who desire [equal] relationships – want a man to be chivalrous, by, for example, paying for dates and opening doors for them….Furthermore, the finding that high feminist women, and not only low feminist women, rated a [sexist] potential romantic partner as more attractive despite being more aware of the detrimental effects, suggests that the attraction may be a mate preference for women in general, and not just for women who endorse traditional gender roles.
Gul and Kupfer speculate that there is an evolutionary underpinning to their test results—biologically, women may find “benevolent sexists” more likely to provide food and shelter for them and their children than some chicken-chested Starbucks-sipper who wants to attend Roxane Gay lectures with them.
In short, everything they’re telling you on TV is a lie, and women still prefer men.
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