July 28, 2014
Source: Shutterstock
Israeli professor Mordechai Kedar, who served for a quarter-century as an IDF intelligence operative, made the following statements in early July. They were published in Hebrew last Monday:
The only thing that could deter a suicide bomber is knowing that if caught, his sister or his mother would be raped. … It sounds very bad, but that’s the Middle East. You have to understand the culture in which we live. … I’m not talking about what we should or shouldn’t do. I’m talking about the facts. The only thing that deters a suicide bomber is the knowledge that if he pulls the trigger or blows himself up, his sister will be raped. That’s all.
Brooklyn-born Jewish comedienne Joan Rivers, when questioned outside an airport about the current Gaza conflict, likened Gaza to New Jersey:
If New Jersey were firing rockets into New York, we would wipe “em out. … You’re all insane. They started it! … I have been over there, that’s how I know. And I wish the world would know.
Jewish radio host Howard Stern made an “impassioned defense” of Israel last week:
I don”t want to listen to any anti-Semitism today. Jews get enough shit all over the world. They get shit on all the time. Jews are the indigenous people of that area. … If you”re anti-Israel, then you”re anti-America. It’s the only democracy over there….
Stern overlooks the fact that Hamas was democratically elected. And many would argue that the area’s truly indigenous Semites are the Palestinians rather than the Israelis.
Sierra Leone is now the epicenter of the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus in sub-Saharan Africa, but it’s not exactly doing a bang-up job of fighting the scourge. The chief doctor in charge of containing the virus has been diagnosed with it. And on Saturday, thousands of protestors converged on the Ebola treatment center after being persuaded that the virus is in fact a hoax perpetrated to cloak “cannibalistic rituals“ taking place there.
A joint study of East and West Germans conducted by the University of Munich and Duke University concluded that those raised in socialist systems were more likely to cheat on tests than their capitalism-weaned counterparts.
The Crime Survey of England and Wales has concluded that last year, gay and bisexual men took illicit drugs at four times the rate of heterosexual men, while lesbians outpaced their hetero sisters at a clip of 300%.
The Russell Sage Foundation released a report claiming that between 2003 and 2013, the inflation-adjusted net worth of the median American household fell by 36%.
A study at the Vancouver School of Economics concluded that nine of the ten “happiest“ metropolitan areas in the USA were below the Mason-Dixon Line, while seven of the ten “unhappiest” metro areas were above it. Take that, Yankees.