It would be unkind, unfair, and possibly untrue to infer that the warmth of Cardinal Mahony toward his paladin Rupert Murdoch is based purely upon filthy lucre. In truth, there are many similarities in character between the duo, which doubtless helped build cordiality between them. Above all, there ...
As Walker Percy, Margaret Mitchell and Flannery O"Connor perceived, in the current struggle between the "Modernity" foisted on us by our elites and those who hold to the traditions they brought to this country--religious and cultural--Protestant Southerners and Catholic Midwesterners ...
The health of the Catholic Church was and is integral to the health of the West. If our civilization is to withstand its current slate of internal and external foes -- throughout Europe and the Diaspora -- it must regain its hold on the things that first enkindled its spirit. Restoration of ...
On June 23 2005, in deciding Kelo v. City of New London, the majority ruled that governments may seize property from private citizens if they have found a new owner who will pay them more in taxes on the land than the current owners. Although their Honours did generously permit State and local ...
It was in New England that the American Revolution began, as any trekker along Boston's Freedom Trail knows; here too started much of our national culture: From New England Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and James Russell Lowell launched ...