Green Means Go

The Empire State Building was once the world’s tallest, until the World Trade Center came along.  While other buildings elsewhere eventually topped it, the Empire State Building remained the second-tallest building in New York City—until September 11, 2001, when the will of Allah ...

An Apple a Day Blows an Iraqi Away

I like my Apple products as much as the next guy (OK—better than the next guy, because judging from the groans and angry rumbling, he’s apparently running Windows Vista on a Dell laptop and “squirting” songs from his lovely brown Microsoft Zune), but there’s something ...

Sex, Punishment, and Plan B

In the comments on my previous post on the Connecticut bishops’ decision to allow Catholic hospitals to administer the Plan B “morning after pill” to rape victims who do not pass a pregnancy test, Adriana offers some very astute comments: “There is something a bit sickening ...

Communing With the Devil

In 2004, His Eminence Raymond Burke, archbishop of St. Louis, received a standing ovation from the denizens of St. Blog’s Parish, that loose collection of conservative Catholic bloggers, when he declared that pro-choice Catholic politicians such as John Kerry should be denied Communion for ...

When in Doubt . . .

The recent decision by the Catholic bishops of Connecticut to allow Catholic hospitals in the state to administer the “morning after pill” to rape victims has, quite rightly, been criticized by pro-lifers.  The criticisms, however, have largely been on technical grounds.  The ...

Hillarudy Clintiani

Bill Sammon, the author of The Evangelical President: George Bush’s Struggle to Spread a Moral Democracy Throughout the World, cannot be labeled a critic of President Bush.  As both the senior White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner and a reporter for the Washington Times, ...

Why Michael Mukasey?

President Bush’s nominee to replace Alberto Gonzales as attorney general is making waves because of who he is (the first Orthodox Jew to be nominated for the position) as well as for what is not (a known quantity on issues that matter to social conservatives, such as abortion and the ...

Who’s Infallible Here, Anyway? The Human Life Review Chooses Party Over Church

Catholic neocons are ratcheting up their attacks on those of us who dare to uphold BOTH the Church's teaching on abortion AND her teaching on Just War. God forbid that Catholics even talk about the war, about the Church's social teaching, or other issues where the Church dares stray from the agenda ...

Join Taki and Justin in the Seat of the Empire

Come one, come all!  Readers of Taki’s Top Drawer have a rare opportunity to meet the great man in the flesh this Friday and Saturday (September 21-22), at the 18th Annual Meeting of the John Randolph Club in Washington, D.C.  Sponsored by The Rockford Institute, the publisher of ...

The Price You Pay

You make up your mind, you choose the chance you take.You ride to where the highway ends and the desert breaks.Out on to an open road, you ride until the dayYou learn to sleep at night with the price you pay . . . Oh, the price you pay, oh, the price you payNow, you can’t walk away from the ...