There Is a Season

“All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven.A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to destroy, and a time to build.A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A ...

Free Babar Ahmad!

Well, no, not really.  Babar Ahmad is a British Muslim who ran jihadist websites that raised money for radical Muslims fighting in Chechnya and Afghanistan.  He’s currently being held in England, awaiting extradition to the United States.  His case is of interest to me, because ...

Of Prophets, Priests, and Pansies, Part II

Last week, I reported that a number of newspapers had decided not to run a two-part storyline appearing in Berkeley Breathed’s comic-strip Opus (the reincarnation of his once wildly popular Bloom County).  In the comic, the main female character, Lola Granola (a name redolent with ...

Of Prophets, Priests, and Pansies

Opus the Penguin has seen his share of controversy, especially back in the 1980’s, when Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County was a more liberal (and more intelligent, and more funny) version of Garry Trudeau’s (even then) tired Doonesbury. But this last weekend, the penguin dove in ...

I Won”€™t Drive a Truck Anymore

”Home to Houston,” one of the great antiwar tracks on country rocker Steve Earle’s album The Revolution Starts Now, tells the story of a soldier stationed in Basra who day after day drives a supply truck along routes threatened by suicide bombers: I wound ‘er up and I ...

Do Apples Dream in Black and White?

While I was away, I missed a Mac developers’ conference right in my backyard.  While I’m not a programmer myself, I enjoy such events, because most independent Mac developers (as well as those who cover the platform) are very bright, literate people who are a blast to be ...

A Rare Show of Belief

The myth of the “objective journalist” is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that we wince whenever we see a headline or a news story that seems to take a side.  In other countries, however, journalists don’t feel the same constraints.  Witness this headline in ...

Sometimes a Hamburger Is Just a Hamburger

Justin confesses that he is “perplexed by this paleocon jihad against McDonald's, Walmart, and other commercial venues.”  He shouldn’t be.  He admits that he prefers Johnny Rocket’s (a good choice) to McDonald’s.  And if the market is all about freedom ...

Nationalizing the Fast Food Business

My friend Justin Raimondo is the best of the paleolibertarians, but he occasionally suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome.  At least, I assume that’s what’s responsible for the knee-jerk reaction to my previous post. Justin writes: “Is Senor Richert proposing to nationalize the ...

You Deserve a Break Today

Left undistorted by government, our libertarian friends tell us, the market will always work out to the advantage of all.  Those of us who express doubts are routinely derided as “statists” or “protectionists” or “authoritarians.” And we may even be called ...