Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Dems Have Now Officially Rejected President John F. Kennedy’s Legacy

There's a political cartoon going around that shows John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy sitting on a couch watching a speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The two hold their palms to their heads and moan that their legacy is being twisted and ruined. This has the situation completely backward. It ...

Will New York Politicians Tax Wall Street Out of Existence?

Let's face it. Anyone who works in, or just visits, the Wall Street area of Manhattan can't deny the aura of power and money isn't what it was 20, 30 or 50 years ago. The vibrancy, the financial dominance, the gusto seems to have gone missing -- so have many of the Gordon Gekko high rollers. ...

The Nat Cons Are Dead Wrong: Middle-Class America Is Much Better Off Today Than in the Past

In the last several months, I have debated some of the intellectual leaders of a group called the "national conservatives." I consider myself a conservative (on most issues, though I lean more libertarian). National conservatives are well meaning and make some very valid points about the things ...

When Will Politicians Learn Banning Cigarettes Will Never Work?

One of the most enduring lessons of American history is that the banning of liquor sales and consumption ("the noble experiment") was a colossal failure. Drinking didn't go down much, but the profits ended up going not to legitimate businesses but bootleggers and the mob, while the murder rate ...

The Great ‘Green Energy Transition’ That Wasn’t

One of the textbook marketing flops of all time was the Ford Edsel sedan, which was heralded as the hot new car in the late 1950s. All the automotive experts and Ford executives said it was a can't-miss. Henry Ford (the car was named after his son) guaranteed hundreds of thousands of sales. But ...

America’s Top National Security Threat Is Our Runaway Debt

After spending $6 trillion on social welfare and a Green New Deal spending spree and running our national debt up to $33 trillion, President Joe Biden is asking to whip out the federal credit card yet again for $100 billion more in military assistance for Ukraine and Israel and "humanitarian" ...

Our Public Schools Are a National Disaster

Perhaps what's most distressing about the latest collapse in high school test scores is that no one seems to be very distressed. You've probably heard the news that ACT scores have fallen for the sixth straight year. Our high school kids are less equipped for a job or college than at any time in ...

Rocky Mountains

If Biden Really Wants to Help Israel, He Must Stop the War on American Energy Now

President Joe Biden solemnly declared today that he stands with Israel against the terrorists. Great. But his actions in the White House have facilitated these homicidal attacks by financing our enemies. This was so predictable and avoidable. Biden's war on American energy started on day 1. His ...

Washington’s Credit Card Price Controls Will Hurt Consumers

Why has Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) declared war on credit cards? Americans are in love with paying with plastic. Perhaps too much so -- given that credit card debt now exceeds $1 trillion. But paying with plastic has become a sort of American pastime -- so popular and convenient (especially ...

Is Google Guilty of Being Too Popular With Consumers?

You may have heard the Biden Justice Department is suing Google in federal court for being a "monopoly." That's a bizarre charge given that few, if any companies in all American history have lowered prices more than Google -- which provides access to information that used to take hours or days to ...