Maybe a Temporary Government Lockdown Is Necessary. The Alternative May Be Worse.

What's worse? When politicians shut down the government, or when they lock down businesses, stores, schools, churches and restaurants -- and nearly all private commerce in America? If you haven't heard, the media and congressional Democrats are near cardiac arrest over the prospect of a government ...

Biden’s Killing the American Dream of Homeownership

In boasting about Bidenomics two weeks ago in Milwaukee, President Joe Biden declared that his policies are "restoring the American dream." Then he went into his creepy whispering mode and assured us "it's working." Huh? Isn't a big aspiration of the American dream owning a home? Biden keeps ...

Why Has Biden Declared War on Natural Gas?

Natural gas is the world's wonder fuel: cheap, abundant, made in America, reliable AND clean burning. So why are the Biden administration and environmental groups against it? There's really no good answer. What makes the Left's war against natural gas inexplicable is that the single biggest ...

New Banking Regulations Could Sink the Economy

Banking is just about the most regulated industry in America. Yet, as we saw with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others in recent months, lenders are not invulnerable to failure due to bad management or unexpected changes in economic conditions. The inevitable response is for more ...

Much of the Hot Air Is Coming From Washington

Baby, it's hot outside. Right on cue, a New York Times headline links this surge in temperatures to "climate change." Temperatures have climbed to well over 100 F in Las Vegas, Arizona, much of Texas, and New Mexico in recent weeks. In Phoenix, the heat wave is the worst since 1974. Is The New ...

Democrats Are Throwing Kids Off the School Bus

Have you heard the outrageous story of what happened recently in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania's capital? Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.), elected in 2022, had campaigned on school choice for tens of thousands of children, mostly minorities, who are forced to attend failing public schools in places like ...

Biden Declares War on Profits

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up ...

Bidenomics Is a Big Bust

Word out of the White House is that President Joe Biden wants to tout his economic successes. He's even embracing the slogan "Bidenomics" -- which most people think is a term of as a term of derision and policy flops. On the one hand, the unemployment rate is low and millions of jobs have been ...

Republicans Must Be the Party of Small Business

A recent Wall Street Journal lead story reported that "Republicans and big business broke up." The amount of corporate donations to Republicans was cut sharply in the last election cycle to a lower amount than in nearly a decade. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has backed many Democrats running for ...

Ronald Reagan National Airport

To Reduce Airline Ticket Prices, Expand Washington’s Reagan Airport

Those who live in or near the nation's capital, or routinely travel there, know that the Washington, D.C., region is home to the best airport in the country, Reagan National. It's also home to one of the worst airports, Dulles International. Reagan is a gem for air travelers. It's beautifully ...