Rush Limbaugh

Hushed Limbaugh

How did this nation ever get to the point where a man once considered nothing more than a tacky, loud, nouveau-riche liberal NYC real estate mogul/celebrity, with an orange complexion and a crazy pompadour/combover, would be transmogrified into the ultimate scapegoat for the failings, crimes, and ...

Stealing Home (Or, a Banana Republic, if You Can Keep It)

After his one term was mercifully brought to a close, former president Jimmy Carter has busied himself both as a spokesman for Habitat for Humanity as well as some sort of unofficial-official international election observer. Flitting from third world hell-hole to hell-hole, he ostensibly made sure ...

Ilhan Omar

It’s Another Taqqiya Sunrise

Call me old-fashioned, but I’m of the belief that when you come to our shores as an immigrant, you in some way, shape, or form are seeking a better life for yourself and your family, and wanting or at least agreeing to assimilate to achieve that dream. In fact, there’s this poem that’s ...

Government in Lieu of Congress

Of all the Congress critters in the Democrat section of the zoo that is the House of Representatives, one of the more execrable is Ted Lieu from Zimbabwe on the Pacific, formerly known as the state of California. He’s mostly a backbencher, but he’ll never miss an opportunity to whore himself in ...

DEI in a Fire

61 years ago this summer, to paraphrase America’s sweetheart, Rep. Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar (D-Mogadishu), someone said some things: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ...