The symbolic thrust of Hustler's crude, much-protested, Photoshopped depiction of Rockefeller Republican S. E. Cupp is commendable: Silence this siren of stupidity. The Hustler make-believe image of Cupp was captioned incorrectly, describing the "conservative" commentator as "someone ...
Blanket charges of racism have become the stock-in-trade of the liberal media in reporting on Town-Hall protesters. For converging to petition their representatives about the administration's profligate policies, independent-minded, patriotic constitutionalists have been savaged by rabid reporters ...
A Kabul"based United Nations's guesthouse is the latest target to be hit by Afghani insurgents. Eight people, including an American, were killed. Three days prior, capital-city Kabul was the scene of a helicopter crash that claimed 14 American lives, in what the Associated Press characterized ...
If you needed incontrovertible proof that homegrown retardation is far more pressing a problem than homegrown terrorism in modern-day America"six-year-old Falcon Heene's flight of fancy provided it. The contagion that gripped the nation began on October the 15th. Anyone turning on the boob ...
Geert Wilders is a Dutch parliamentarian, and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV). He, and sixty percent of the Dutch population, “considers mass immigration to be the worst mistake since the Second World War.” An equal percentage of Wilders’ countrymen see Islam as the number one ...
Be it the "public option" (that"ll eliminate all other options), the co-opting "co-op," or the make-believe market that is the "insurance exchange": if implemented, these euphemisms for centrally planned medicine will mean many more bureaucracies manned by plenty of ...
Joe Wilson knows of what he speaks. South Carolina's Republican Representative is what one of my readers has dubbed deliciously a "subject matter expert" on providing federal health benefits to illegal aliens. Wilson voted "Yea" for the Bush "Medicare Prescription Drug, ...
Given the perpetual parade of "intellectuals" who are not intelligent in our media " Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, PBS and the "parrot press" " I don"t expect many Americans to be familiar with political philosopher Paul E. Gottfried. Nevertheless, Paul (he's a friend) is one of ...
The other day, at my local branch of the United States Postal Service, a devoted USPS customer told me in high decibels to go back whence I came. Although I speak and write English at a level this yahoo could not aspire to, I do the former sans an American accent. In the chauvinistic, provincial ...
Let's suppose a business employed ten workers in June. Along came Barack Obama and huffed and puffed and blew six jobs away. Four employees now run a pared-down operation. The next round of retrenchments will invariably entail fewer than six people. The president, or any other wolf in sheep’s ...