Is the GOP Too Conservative?

Does anyone really believe voters are now enamored with Barack Obama because they despise conservatism and love liberalism? Americans aren’t that ideological. After 100 days in office, Obama’s popularity remains high, with a significant majority in a recent Gallup poll saying he is ...

Taki TV – Is the GOP Too Conservative?

When Republican Sen. Arlen Specter defected to the Democratic Party, the ongoing narrative that the GOP is now “too conservative” to win elections was escalated and amplified. But nothing could be more ...

Prosecute “€˜em!

In light of the Obama administration’s recent torture memo release, there is one simple moral question we all should be asking. If U.S. soldiers were sent to jail for committing torture, might not the same fate be appropriate for government officials who ordered them to do so? <object ...

Taki TV – Support the Troops: Prosecute Bush/Cheney for Torture

If U.S. soldiers were prosecuted and imprisoned for committing torture at Abu Ghraib, why should Bush officials who gave the orders not suffer the same ...

Taki TV – Is Sean Hannity Now Cool? (No)

How in praising the tea parties one week, then defending President Bush on torture and his “War on Terror” the next, conservatives negate their alleged anti-government ...

Is Sean Hannity Now Cool? (No)

In praising the tea parties one week, and then defending the Bush administration’s policies on torture and criticizing Obama’s diplomacy efforts the next week, talk radio has shifted conservatives’ focus from fighting government to defending it, and Bush Republicanism is hardly ...

A Storm in a Tea Cup

The most disgusting aspect of the nationwide “tea party” protests that took place on Tax Day last week was the media coverage. Wrote The News Tribune‘s Dana Booth “Those who scoff at people who accuse the mainstream media of liberal bias certainly weren’t done any ...

Taki TV – The Illiberal Media

How the media coverage by MSNBC pundits Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow of the Tax Day “tea party” protests were blatant displays of liberal, elitist media bias and outlined the partisan nature of cable ...

Tea Party Terrorists

What the tea parties represent more than anything, is something that would have never been possible on the Right a year ago - a substantial, anti-government grassroots movement that is increasingly becoming more radical. Eight years of defending George W. Bush created a conservative movement that ...

Taki TV – Tea Party Terrorists

How the nationwide tea party protests on Tax Day 2009 could be the start of a new grassroots, anti-government, anti-state - and hopefully radicalized - conservative ...