Taki TV – 911 Truths

How “911 Truth” conspiracy theorists who believe the U.S. government orchestrated 911, aren’t any more “crazy” than those who believe Saddam Hussein ...

AIG Bonuses Are a Ruse

There have been many different takes on the controversy over the stimulus money going toward AIG bonuses, everything from the general public not understanding corporate payment structures, to politicians knowing full-well about the bonus payments and grandstanding after the fact. Much of this is ...

Taki TV – AIG Bonuses are a Ruse

How the controversy over the AIG bonuses imbedded in the stimulus obfuscate the root problem of spending in ...

War and the Neoconservative Mind

Commenting in a new book on Abraham Lincoln, former president Jimmy Carter observed "(Lincoln) ignores the fact that the tragic combat might have been avoided altogether, and that the leaders of both sides, overwhelmingly Christian, were violating a basic premise of their belief as followers of the ...

Taki TV – War and the Neoconservative Mind

When neoconservative writer Ira Stoll took former president Jimmy Carter to task in the New York Daily News for daring to question the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln’s war on the South, an examination of how neocons - as opposed to normal, patriotic citizens - percieve and promote war, was in ...

What Happened to the War on Terror?

From the invasion of Iraq in 2003 until the economy took a turn for the worse during the election, the "€œWar on Terror"€ was the defining issue of the Republican Party. Standard conservative priorities like smaller government and fiscal responsibility and even social issues like abortion, gay ...

Taki TV – What Happened to the War on Terror?

On the sixth anniversary of the war in Iraq, why are the loudest champions of the War on Terror no longer talking about ...

State of Revolution

After our most recent Republican president took unprecedented liberties with the executive branch, and after the current Democratic president has promised central planning, some state lawmakers have decided to take their stand. And their critics bray, "How dare any silly second or third-tier ...

States”€™ Rights and The Left

I know few liberals who support the War on Drugs, marriage "€œprotection"€ amendments or the PATRIOT Act. In fact, if you talk to the most vocal Leftists about drug criminalization, gay marriage or the loss of civil liberties, their anti-government rhetoric can sound downright reactionary. ...

Taki TV – States”€™ Rights and the Left

When a number of states passed state sovereignty resolutions recently, though these measures came from right-wing resistance to Obama’s statism, the Left would do well to take ...