Petraeus: An “Ass-Kisser”?
Amid the cries of “Hail, Caesar!” coming from Congress in response to General Petraeus’s appointment as front man for George W. Bush, and the snarls of outrage over the “Petraeus-Betray ...
Amid the cries of “Hail, Caesar!” coming from Congress in response to General Petraeus’s appointment as front man for George W. Bush, and the snarls of outrage over the “Petraeus-Betray ...
With all due respect, Paul Gottfried just doesn’t get it—we are way past salvaging what is left of our “honor” when it comes to the invasion and conquest of Iraq. And, really—Kemal Ataturk! ...
The NY Times’ Purple State blog offers a nice video retrospective on the Ron Paul candidacy, exploring his bipartisan appeal. Watching this makes me all the more disappointed that Rep. Paul isn’t considering a ...
What are we to make of Hugo Chavez’s decree that the clocks of Venezeula shall all be set forward by half an hour—in order to increase the “metabolism and productivity” of workers? My question is: ...
According to The New Republic, and the Reason/Cato crowd, Ron Paul is a racist whose makes explicit appeals to white supremacist and anti-Semitic audiences through the use of “code words,” and, if he isn’t ...
I have to say that watching Ron Paul on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno was one of those surreal occurences, like an out-of-body experience, that leave one wondering: Did that really happen? Well, yes, it did: that was ...
Matt Yglesias has it right: “Whatever else happens in 2008, one thing that’s certain is that Rudy Giuliani won’t be elected president. That’s something I’m thankful for. And, based on the ...
So, one more winter season is kaput, the best snow conditions in 50 years gone the way of all things. Like the song says, referring to a girl, every time I say goodbye to the Alps, or to the Med six months later, I die a ...
The Europarliament itself is a waste of space, and no sensible person pays any attention to what happens ...
Rudy Giuliani’s poll numbers have been plunging ever since David “The Commissar” Frum and a platoon of neocons joined his campaign as top advisors—is this a case of cause and effect? Just asking ...
Arriving in Rome, I didn’t suffer from culture but sticker shock. Streets jammed with pedestrians menaced by whizzing cars and importuned by panhandlers, where dogs are more common than kids, and most people ...
Kudos to Justin for giving us the heads-up about the potential Bloomberg acquisition of the bankrupt enterprise called the U.S.A. However, given the prospect that the race might come down to Clinton vs. McCain (or anyone ...
A piece over at The Politico on Ron Paul is snarky yet informative, which seems to be the signature style of that site: “Libertarian Paul wins young minds” gives us brief profiles of young Ron Paul enthusiasts, ...
To read the supposedly “libertarian” bloggers over at the Cato Institute’s “Cato@Liberty” site and Reason‘s “Hit and Run,” you’d never know there’s a war on: an ...
Stanley Fish is a strange bird. After spending most of his career wrecking the humanities programs at eminent schools like Duke—with results that are visible, in the form of the unhinged ideologues on the faculty who ...
In response to security concerns arising from recent Al-Qaeda threats to the person of the Holy Father, and equally to the alarming news that the number of Moslems worldwide has just exceeded (for the first time) the number ...
From David Weigel’s account of the GOP presidential beauty contest now taking place in front of the Family Research Council: ”[Duncan Hunter’s] first big applause line is ‘we are crushing al Qaeda ...
They scoffed at Ron Paul’s poll numbers—six months before a single vote was cast. Now he’s at 7.4 percent [.pdf file] in the latest New Hampshire poll. He’s in fourth place, he’s got $5.3 ...
Over at the Goldberg Review, they’re revving up the motors to convince “conservatives” that Rudy the Reckless is The One. We should have known this, and, indeed, Paul Gottfried was clued in early. Now ...
News pundits have been exploring the political battle now raging between Hillary and Obama and their respective followings about who was most responsible for the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, the then ...
On the “fair tax”: Huckabee: Yes, it will end the underground economy. No more dope dealers, prostitutes, and Bad People in general. You’ve heard about the Great Society: this is the Vanilla ...
It's been a strange couple of weeks here in the United States of ...
The role of Cassandra is classically a thankless one. Point to danger signs too early, and you’re dismissed as a nut. Wait until it’s obvious, and you’re too late. You can’t win, so you might as well ...
The Ron Paul campaign has faced its first test in Iowa. Score: B-minus. The hope was that he could break out with 15 percent, but 10 percent ain’t bad. What’s good—and what saves him from getting a ...