Caught With His Pants Down

By now the news that Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) was arrested for “lewd conduct” at the Minneapolis airport rest room—thereby carrying on a long tradition of ostensibly anti-gay, pro-“family ...

The Right Way to Save Our Sovereignty

I’ve written here several times on the best way to convey the case for limiting immigration into the U.S., both illegal and legal. I’ve striven, perhaps imperfectly, to convey why patriotic Americans of every ...

Israel Needs to Make the First Move

“And so the blood-drenched cycle begins again, each side convinced that it has no option but to make the other suffer.” This from a London Daily Telegraph >editorial. What my favorite London paper did not write ...

Fault Lines of the World Order

For a few fleeting, horrifying moments this past week the fault lines that underlie the global economic crisis erupted into plain view. With deft and quick effort leaders in Washington, Europe, and Asia papered over the ...

Dawn With Doris

Do we really have to look at Doris Kearns Goodwin on Meet the Press so early in the morning? This plagiarist with the bromidic opinions—are we to be spared ...

Bhutto’s Son to Edit “Commentary” Magazine

Okay, not really. But this is a column about the joys of nepotism. The Left-wing dictator I hated the least was Juan Peron, the Argentine strongman whose sartorial sense was as impeccable as his will to rule. Peron preened ...

It’s Time to Let Go of NATO

“In 1877, Lord Salisbury, commenting on Great Britain’s policy on the Eastern Question, noted that ‘the commonest error in politics is sticking to the carcass of dead policies.’ “Salisbury was ...

Unclear on the Concept of Ron Paul

In a piece entitled “5 Moments That Changed the GOP Race,” Reid Wilson, of, describes number 5: “Ron Paul raises $4 million and $6 million in individual days. The important thing to ...

Goodbye to Politics

Well, then. Now we know. It’s nice to know what percentage of my fellow citizens of New Hampshire actually value peace and freedom: Around 10%.  That may be the same ratio as prevails across the nation. Not ...

A Visit to the Future

In A Time to Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country, Gen. Wesley Clark , remembers two visits to the Pentagon: the first one, two weeks after 9/11, yielded a bit of gossip from one of his fellow generals, who told him that the ...

Freddie and Fannie”€”Too Big to Bail

One amusing aspect of the New York Times's coverage of the government takeovers of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is that throughout the Gray Lady's 2000-word lead essay, it's never once mentioned that the two lending ...

Google to the Thought Police: “€˜Bug Off!”€™

Meir Brand , the head of Google Israel, explains to a conference on “cyber-hate” why Google isn’t going to censor “hate speech”: “At Google, we have a bias in favor of people’s ...

Nepotism and the War Party

On the occasion of John Podhoretz being appointed editor of Commentary magazine, which his father, Norman, edited for a quarter century or so, leftie writer Eric Alterman summed it up best: “Neocons excel at two ...

Taking on the McCaniac

They’re already starting on John McCain, and not a moment too soon: <object width=“425” height=“373”><param name=“movie” ...

Our Kurdish Problem

Bob Novak spills the beans this morning: “The morass in Iraq and deepening difficulties in Afghanistan have not deterred the Bush administration from taking on a dangerous and questionable new secret operation. ...

Pollard Almost Freed

From the Jersusalem Post: “Israel once came close to securing the release of convicted Pentagon spy Jonathan Pollard, but the American security services pulled the plug on the move at the last moment, President ...

Novak Endorses Ron Paul

The Washington Times reports a visit by Bob Novak to the Heritage Foundation, where he regaled conservative bloggers with his take on current events and gave a little spiel about his new book, Prince of ...

Senator Jefferson Sessions

Sessions for President!

He's basically a wet Tuesday afternoon in Coney Island: something featureless and uninteresting, to be got through with patience and ...

Affirmative Action GOP

Despite any minor conservative attributes, Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin and Michael Steele don"€™t possess any extraordinary qualities or demonstrably different principles from countless other Republican governors, ...

Neocons to Ron Paul: Drop Out

Jim Geraghty, writing in National Review, has some advice for Ron Paul: “In a perfect world, I’d like to see Ron Paul say, ‘My campaign has never been about money, but we find ourselves with more money ...

It Takes A Liberal

Sadly, it takes a liberal—Matt Yglesias, one of the most consistently interesting lefty-liberal bloggers, over at The Atlantic now—to diagnose the repulsive symptoms of a sold-out GOP in its ...


By comparison with the people Barack Obama hung out with in his pre-Presidential years "€” people like Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright "€” Raúl Castro is practically a country-club ...

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