July 01, 2013
Rachel Jeantel
George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy.
When Trayvon Martin’s slaying became an international moral panic last year, the media’s blind barking supplicants to the Global Cult of Equality stoked racial tensions by first insisting that George Zimmerman was white. When that proved to be untrue, they deliberately doctored evidence to lend the false impression that Zimmerman stalked Martin because he was black. They were mostly silent regarding a neighbor of Zimmerman’s claim that his gated Florida community had been hit by eight burglaries in the fifteen months prior to Zimmerman’s fatal encounter with Martin, all of them allegedly perpetrated by black males.
For all the smug avowals of the brainwashed and sold-out egalitarian media that the so-called “racists” are “living in the past,” the late-stage progressive agenda can only be clumsily propped up by continually reminding the public of racial atrocities that largely ceased happening generations ago. Any sober review of statistics by someone with a grade-school understanding of math would reveal that modern racial violence in America is lopsidedly happening against whites, but it would be career suicide for any mainstream reporter to concede this.
Thus it was transcendentally ironic last week when the first wisp of evidence emerged that the case had anything whatsoever to do with race. The evidence came when Rachel Jeantel, whom John Derbyshire refers to as a “three-hundred-pound slab of ghetto attitude,” testified on the witness stand that Trayvon had referred to Zimmerman as a “creepy-ass cracker.”
Over a year ago, CNN tried and failed to prove that Zimmerman had used the word “coons” in his 911 call before he killed Martin. It has reached the point in America where white-on-black racially motivated violence is so supremely rare, the media is forced to call Hispanic men “white” and to hire sound technicians to search for nonexistent racial slurs on audio tracks as if they were fanatical Christians playing Judas Priest records backwards in the hope of finding satanic messages.
Being identified as a “cracker” in Florida can get you killed. But the American media was largely silent about that double murder of two “crackers” by a black gangbanger. They also didn’t whip up the slightest bit of moral hysteria about a recent home invasion caught on a nanny cam where a burly black man savagely beat a white woman in front of her three-year-old daughter.
You see, such cases don”t fit the script. And if you don”t stick to the script, you lose your job and are forever cast out of polite society.
So instead of manning up and admitting that the only evidence so far of racial animus in George Zimmerman’s murder trial allegedly came straight from Trayvon Martin’s lips, panicked prog pundits scrambled last week to explain that “cracker” is not a racist term. After all, that’s what Rachel Jeantel claims, and even though the thick-necked, heavy-lidded she-beast appears to be barely sentient, white people are too stupid to understand her. We are lectured by the same people who incessantly lampoon white Southern accents that crackers are simply too “ignorant” to comprehend the rich vibrant nuances of Miz Jeantel’s prehistoric verbal grunts and clicks. White people should quit whining, or at least that’s what the laughably white staffers at Gawker“who never cease whining about the innate sinfulness of whiteness”recommend.