Steven Tucker

Steven Tucker

Steven Tucker is a UK-based writer whose work has appeared in print and online worldwide. The author of over ten books, mostly about fringe-beliefs and eccentrics, his works include Nazi UFOs and The Saucer and the Swastika, which reveal the bizarre story of how modern-day neo-Nazi cults invented the lunatic lie that Adolf Hitler secretly invented flying saucers, and the neo-Gnostic fascist pseudo-religion the legend helped spawn. His latest title, Hitler’s & Stalin’s Misuse of Science, is available now, and exposes how the insane and murderous abuses of science perpetrated by the Nazis and the Soviets are being repeated anew today by the woke left who have now captured so many of our institutions of learning.

The Democracy of Dementia: Bye Then, Biden

I have never been able to take the political opinions of movie stars terribly seriously. Whilst still a young English teacher, I once taught a future famous Hollywood actress, whom I shall not embarrass by naming here. During a class discussion about politics one day, this girl, then aged 17, ...

Europe Disunited

Sport is well-known for bringing people together. Over in France, for example, ahead of this summer’s Paris Olympics, after President Macron promised to go for a dip in the Seine to prove how clean he had now made the river for swimmers, Parisians of all colors and creeds united as one—and ...

They Dream of Genies

In light of all the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of D-Day last month, I finally got around to digging out the old service record of my grandfather, who served across Africa and the Middle East as a Military Policeman in the British Royal Air Force (RAF) during WWII. As a child, I greatly ...

Stillborn on the Fourth of July: Britain’s Abortive Election

When is winning an election also simultaneously to lose it? According to most pundits, this week’s July 4 General Election here in the U.K. is due to be a complete Labour landslide, with polls frequently predicting the Party gaining 450-plus seats (from a total of 650), and a majority of ...

Nigel Farage

Farage Against the Machine: Is Nigel a Nazi?

Did you know that, in the run-up to the nation’s looming General Election on 4 July, there has been a sudden mass outbreak of neo-Nazism right across the United Kingdom? No? That’s because there hasn’t. But this has not prevented mainstream British media and politicians hysterically claiming ...

How Does Your Garden Grow? Upon the Corpses of Millions

I have recently been scribbling elsewhere about the complete non-topics of “racist gardening” and (sigh) “multihorticulturalism,” subjects that suddenly sprouted back into my mind a few days later whilst I was out innocently mowing my lawn. This caused me to stop momentarily as I massacred ...

Michel de Nostredame

Propheting From Disaster

With the recent 80th-anniversary celebrations of D-Day, it seems an appropriate time for us all to ask ourselves, when will World War III begin? As soon as 18 June, apparently. So says Kushal Kumar, an Indian Vedic astrologer who went viral late last month after warning that, according to his own ...

The Total Lack of Any Independent Thought-Police

Walking through my local park one sunny evening recently, I was confronted by the surprisingly amusing sight of an apparent attempted child-grooming incident. A tall, twentysomething-looking, brown, and fuzzy-haired individual of distinctly Middle Eastern mien had stolen the soccer ball of some ...

Why Are Ghosts So White?

Last month saw the thirtieth anniversary of the death of one of my favorite conservative thinkers, Russell Kirk, back in April 1994. Very possibly Kirk enjoyed the process of passing away into another world, as his conservative beliefs were partly inspired by a lifelong belief in the ...

Nandor Fodor’s Freudian Phantoms Rise Again

17 May saw the 60th anniversary of the death in 1964 of one of my all-time favorite weirdos, the Hungarian-born Jewish ghost-hunter, journalist, and Freudian psychoanalyst Nandor Fodor. Later a resident of both Britain and America, Fodor is best known today for his comical investigation of a 1930s ...


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