Back in the 1950s, when Americans knew from recent experience just how important it was to have a dominant manufacturing sector, Ike’s Defense Secretary, “Engine Charlie” Wilson, formerly of General Motors, famously declared, “What’s good for America is good for ...
A lot of cyber-ink has been spilled over a post by Ross Douthat arguing that grassroots populists need elites. At one level, of course, Douthat is perfectly correct: every political movement needs a leadership class. But when he suggests that, to be successful, a figure like ...
It has long been known that the Nobel Prizes in Peace and Literature are sometimes awarded to questionable characters such as Le Duc Tho, Yasser Arafat, and Dario Fo. But even Nobel laureates in the hard sciences can make stupid pronouncements when they step outside their disciplines, as ...
Every so often, someone in the Bush Administration actually makes a sensible point, though often not in the manner they intend. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, before jetting off to the Caucasus (an area that makes the Balkans look friendly), stated that the Administration’s ...
There have always been hints that the worldview of "The X-Files" is far closer to paleoconservatism than is generally found in anything emanating from Hollywood. Sam Francis, a avid "X-Files" fan had always been put off by the liberal plot lines he found in other fine examples of television science ...
The latest validation of James Burnham’s insight that “liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide” comes from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. As the Daily Mail reported recently, Dr. Williams wrote an irenic letter to Moslem leaders in which he wrote that ...
Victor Davis Hanson has taken umbrage at Pat Buchanan’s description of him as “the court historian of the neoconservatives,” and even more umbrage at Buchanan’s book. Unfortunately for Hanson, Buchanan’s description of Hanson is accurate, and Hanson’s ...
In response to my recent piece on science and religion, one of the commenters, GM, took me to task: “you may want to consider and ask why atheists seem angry. There’s no indication that you understand why.” I have to confess, GM was right: I do not ...
Ben Stein’s movie Expelled has generated lots of commentary, most of it negative. Many have claimed that it is obscurantist and hostile to science, a veritable first shot in a wider war against knowledge. Despite employing the same type of techniques that garnered Michael Moore an ...
Last week at NRO, cub reporter Stephen Spruiell announced that he had found what might be “the most deceptive ad” of the 2008 race, a Barack Obama spot blaming free trade for job losses at the Delphi plant in Warren, Ohio. According to Spruiell, the ad was deceptive because ...