Faith-Based Economy

It is fitting that one of the signal events of what will likely become the second Bush recession has been the Federal Reserve's propping up of the Wall Street firm Bear Stearns. For years, Wall Street has opposed any such bailouts of old-line manufacturing firms being swept away by the tsunami of ...

Springtime for Fascism

One of the stranger aspects of contemporary American "€œmainstream conservatism"€ is the obsession with "€œfascism,"€ a political philosophy one might have supposed was safely buried under the rubble of 1945 Europe. Neocons have, indeed, used "anti-fascism" to justify all manner of ...

Is John McCain Really Pro-Life?

In his recent address to CPAC, John McCain told the audience that "€œI ...the steadfast defense of our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which I have defended my entire career as God-given to the born and unborn,"€ and asserted that "€œI have proudly defended ...

The Broken Compass

Somehow, one doubts that either the USCCB or Hollywood studios would have taken such a benign view of a film whose villainous organization were named "€œThe Synagogue,"€ whose villains wore rabbinical rather than clerical garb, and whose author had been quoted as saying "€œI"€™m trying to ...

Hitchens”€™ Hubris

It is true that the triumph of atheism in the West need not necessarily produce what the triumph of atheism produced in Russia -- mass murder and cultural devastation on a scale previously unimaginable. But we already have before us cultural devastation of a different sort, the result of the very ...