Taki TV – The Shame of South Carolina

There are many things South Carolinians are ashamed of—slavery, segregation, low SAT scores. But these are the least of our state’s embarrassments. Our deepest shame is in being represented by U.S. Senator Lindsey ...

Taki TV – Chuck Baldwin for President

I have two tests that any candidate must pass in order to win my vote: Is he commitment to a traditional foreign policy and is he serious about stopping illegal immigration? Chuck Baldwin passes with flying ...

Taki TV – All the President’s Men

There’s a lot in Oliver’s Stone’s W. that’s overblown, but the film’s main thesis, that George W. Bush is a good but flawed man whose presidency was destroyed by bad men, is most definitely ...

Socialism and Secession

One of my favorite things to learn about Sarah Palin was her ties to the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants their state to secede from the United States. Said the group’s late founder Joe Vogler “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American ...

Taki TV – Why McCain Deserves to Lose

The moment John McCain signed off on the Wall Street bailout bill, I knew exactly what I was going to be hearing about from that day forward: William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Barack Obama—not because their relationships are important but because at this point, it's all the Republicans have ...

Why McCain Should Lose

The moment John McCain signed off on the Wall Street bailout bill, I knew exactly what I was going to be hearing about from that day forward: William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Barack Obama—not because their relationships are important but because at this point, it’s all the ...

Taki TV – Bill Maher’s Bad Faith

Bill Maher’s Religulous is a hilarious, and often disturbing, journey through the curiosities, hypocrisies, and outright illogic of organized religion. But within the first few minutes of the movie, the supposed free-thinking critic offered the most clichéd of indictments—that ...

When Left and Right Meet

The crushing defeat and subsequent victory of the $700 billion economic bailout bill last week left both parties pointing fingers, claiming both the failure of conservatism and the triumph of liberalism depending on one’s party or politics. But the Republicans and Democrats doing the most ...

Taki TV – When Left and Right Meet

The eventual victory of the $700 billion economic bailout bill last week left both parties pointing fingers, claiming both the failure of conservatism and the triumph of liberalism depending on one’s party or politics. But the Republicans and Democrats doing the most pointing had it ...

Taki TV – Dumb and Dumber?

Though I maintain my faith in the basic decency of loyal Republican voters, the accusation that some are just plain dumb has increasingly become harder to ...