Day of Reckoning

How did the United States of America, the richest nation on earth, whose economy represents 30 percent of the Global Economy, arrive at the precipice of a financial panic and collapse? The answer lies in the abject ...

The End of An Era

With the passing of William F. Buckley I now feel officially old. Like thousands of modern conservatives, I grew up on Buckley. Each Sunday, I would make sure to be at home for Firing Line, to watch him genially make ...

Neither a Turnoff Nor a Silver Bullett

Austin Bramwell and Gerald Russello have taken different sides on whether American conservatives need a "€œcanon of great books"€ to guide them. While Bramwell has disputed the value of this project, Russello aided by ...

Is “€˜Change”€™ A Threat to Israel?

The boundless arrogance of the Lobby is a sight to see, but we don’t really get to view it in its full glory—except when they travel to Israel, where they can and do speak rather more frankly, as the head of the ...

Marching Through Georgia

As the President of “pro-Western” Georgia shuts down the non-governmental media, jails his political opponents, accuses anyone who dissents of being part of a pro-Russian fifth column, and orders his thuggish ...

Predatory Borrowers (and Legislators)

With millions of homeowners now struggling to repay money they clearly never should have borrowed, our leaders have been righteously wagging fingers at predatory lenders who allegedly enticed innocent borrowers, and the ...

Huckabee Puts Faith in President, Easter Eggs

“Just because you didn’t find every Easter egg doesn’t mean that it wasn’t planted.”  So said Mike Huckabee about the lack of WMDs in Iraq at the Thursday night Republican debate in ...

Doing the PC Cringe

Did anyone else catch the unsettling comment made by Karl Rove on the O"€™Reilly show last night. When O"€™Reilly asked Bush's former grey eminence whether Obama had benefited from the speech given in Philadelphia, ...

Seven Urban Legends

To everyone who got exercised about the “Vatican’s” new so-called “list of deadly sins” for the modern age, I have some good news—or bad news, if you’re a jaded secularist looking ...

The Big Conundrum

I have a solution to Scott Richert’s McDonald’s conundrum: if you don’t like McDonald’s, then don’t patronize them. I know that’s terribly complicated, but there you have it. Is Senor ...

Playing “€œChicken”€ to Win

It’s always dangerous to let your view of history get stuck in a single moment. For the neocons, it’s always September 1938, with a weak Hitler bluffing his way into bloodless conquests while building up his ...

Oh, Hang it Up

Dumbest “spin” of year award goes to ABC News, for this: “His presidential campaign may not have as much cash on hand as Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, but McCain is getting more money than any other candidate ...

Will the Surge Work?

Chastising opposition to his economic stimulus bill last week, President Obama said Republicans "come to the table with the same tired arguments and worn ideas that helped to create this crisis." Americans, he said, "did ...

A Billion Here, A Billion There …

From today‘s Financial Times: “Speaking after the meeting of Group of Seven finance leaders, Peer Steinbrück, German finance minister, said the G7 now feared that write-offs of losses on securities linked to ...

Hillary”€”Bush in a Dress

From Hillary Clinton’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars: “That begins with ensuring that America does have the world’s strongest and smartest military force. We’ve begun to change tactics in ...

Black & White TV

When I was a child, there was a persistent playground rumor that the letters “BMW” in the German car manufacturer’s brand name secretly stood for “Black Man’s Willy,” a “willy” being an infant British slang ...

Dr. No Goes Negative

The real Ron Paul breakthrough I’ve been waiting for is this news item in the Washington Post, which notes that Dr. No is now acting like a real candidate: that is, he’s attacking his opponents, in this case the ...

The r3VOLution is Over

Appearing at the National Press Club this morning, flanked by rock-solid conservative third-party candidate Chuck Baldwin, the venerable Ralph Nadar, and the insane and reprehensible leftist Cynthia McKinney, Ron Paul ...

The Ron Paul Revolution Takes Off

CBS News covers the presidential contest as if it were a horse race, and here’s their take on the dark horse, Ron Paul, who is clearly gaining on the anointed “front-runners”: “Republican Ron Paul ...

A Quick Note as I Flee U.S. Jurisdiction

As you read this, I will be shuffling through a series of planes, trains and automobiles from the glittering, patriotic sprawl of Dallas, Texas to the involuted warrens of once-pagan, then-papal, now neo-pagan Rome. Once ...

Islamo-Foosball Awareness Week

Although I admit to having given my vote last fall to Rick Santorum in his unsuccessful campaign to hold on to his U.S. Senate seat, I have been appalled by his recent harping on the menace of "Islamofascism." Santorum has ...

Two Oversights

Being always ready to note my oversights as a columnist but not the kind of alleged faults that I felt obliged to respond to earlier today, I would like to express my regrets for failing to point out certain facts on this ...

Of Prophets, Priests, and Pansies

Opus the Penguin has seen his share of controversy, especially back in the 1980’s, when Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County was a more liberal (and more intelligent, and more funny) version of Garry Trudeau’s ...

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