Neither a Turnoff Nor a Silver Bullett

Austin Bramwell and Gerald Russello have taken different sides on whether American conservatives need a "€œcanon of great books"€ to guide them. While Bramwell has disputed the value of this project, Russello aided by Dan McCarthy has argued on its behalf. Despite my forty-year involvement as ...

Abortion and River Boat Gambling

Last week it dawned on me while listening to the two major presidential candidates talk about abortion that their topic meant about as much to them as river boat gambling. Like having gambling facilities placed on the edge of a river from whose activities the state can then draw revenues, the ...

The Twilight of National Sovereignty

It was the state, which came into existence in the late middle ages and early modern period, that created the political precondition for the spread of individual identity. It did this by enacting legal systems that embraced all citizens or royal subjects and by imposing uniform taxation that ...

It ain”€™t any of our business

Perhaps I"€™m missing something big in the "€œmovement conservative"€™ accounts about what we should be doing to the Russians for their invasion of Georgia. But so far all I"€™ve encountered is more of the usual neocon blather. For informational purposes: this military action took place ...

Summer Reading

Although this all too brief commentary cannot do full justice to the three works that recently arrived in my mail, it should provide useful information about each of them. The first that came to my hand Wandlungen des Neoliberalismus (Stuttgart: Lucius, 2008), by the Frankfurter Allgemeine ...

Was Wilhelm Just Another “€œW”€?

The latest issue of The American Conservative (July 14) includes a provocative symposium on whether World War II should be considered "€œthe good war"€ and, no less significant, whether Winston Churchill deserves the adulation that the media have accorded him as "€œman of the century."€ ...

To Hell with Joe Klein!

Apparently some of my friends who identify themselves with the Right, that is to say, Scott McConnell and Justin Raimondo, have come to the aid of Time contributor and liberal media superstar Joe Klein. Recently Klein scolded the neoconservatives for having incited the war in Iraq and for their ...

Trying to Make Sense of the Meaningless

On July 3 the New York Times published a feature article by Patricia Cohen bearing the provocative title "€œThe"€™60s Begin to Fade as Liberal Professors Retire."€ It seems, according to this report that professors are beginning to view themselves as "€œmoderates."€ This underscores ...

McCain is even worse than you thought

Last week I got into a discussion with my older son and a neighbor (who is an economics professor) concerning the social positions of John McCain. My son, who tried to convince us that McCain would be a less dangerous president than his Democratic opponent, went through the supposedly conservative ...

The Rise of the Post-paleos (a second look)

In view of the numerous responses to my announcement of the death of paleoconservatism and my discussion of the transition from a paleo to a pospaleo opposition to the neoconservative-liberal media, there may be need for these further clarifications. One, the postpaleos"€™ indifference to the ...