Taki TV – The Price of “€œProgress”€

President Obama recently pointed out that much like those who criticize his plans for national health care, those who opposed Social Security and Medicare called president FDR and LBJ “socialists” too. They were socialists. And it’s high time America quit trending in that ...

A Patriotic Conservative

Though most famous for coining the phrase “axis-of-evil” in President Bush’s 2002 State of the Union address, Frum’s second most famous act was to try to read antiwar conservatives out of the movement. In a 2003 cover story for National Review entitled “Unpatriotic ...

Taki TV – Patriotic Conservative

On the Iraq War, conservatives should have listened to Robert ...

Whites Are People Too

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote last week of the town hall protesters: “Instead of a multicultural tableau of beaming young idealists on screen, we see ugly scenes of mostly older and white malcontents.” Fellow Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote of the protesters ...

Taki TV – Whites Are People Too

How liberal pundits who criticize citizens protesting Obama’s national health care plans at town halls as “white malcontents” reveal the true agenda of multiculturalism, not to mention the Left’s own ...

Who’s Un-American?

In one sense, I halfway agree with Nancy Pelosi. Screaming or shouting down politicians or fellow citizens in a public forum isn’t exactly productive. Yet I also agree with Thomas Jefferson, who wrote that “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government ...

Live Free or Blow Hard

While the dissident Left has curiously become mute under Obama, the dissident Right has turned up the volume in questioning a Democratic president whose agenda includes some of the most ambitious big government experiments in this nation’s history. Targeting Americans who have been vocally ...

Taki TV – Who’s “€œUn-American?”€

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that those protesting Obama’s national healthcare plan at town hall meetings were “un-American,” it was worth noting not only liberals’ condescencion, but just how wrong she ...

Taki TV – The Dissident Right Blows Back

As the token conservative columnist for the liberal weekly Charleston City Paper, when my fellow columnists decided to bash Sen. Jim DeMint and his “followers” on the grassroots, anti-Obama Right, I decided to bash ...

Why I”€™m a Radical Conservative

I don’t have much faith in my fellow man. In fact, my own conservatism has much to do with the fact that I reject the entire notion of human improvement altogether. Grandiose liberal efforts do not work, not because they are simply led by the wrong kind of men, but because they are led by ...