Get With the Program

Alcoholics Anonymous is no longer a fellowship of men and women, as used to be reassuringly stated at the start of every meeting. It’s now a “fellowship of people,” because AA is embracing gender ideology, attempting to increase ethnic membership, and is bringing in a new safeguarding policy that has already taken aim at men with criminal convictions. This fall, it will publish a Plain Language version of the Big Book, in which words are changed for “gender balance” and the program “made accessible to fifth grade reading level.” It’s hard to think of an organization more ...

DIE in the Air

As I may have mentioned now and then, there’s much wrong about the 2020s, but it’s also worth mentioning something right: We’re living in the golden age of airliner safety. ...

Whatever You Can Get Away With

Theoretically, you could become a professor of ethnic studies without being the ethnicity you study, just as you can be a gerontologist without being old or a botanist without ...

Anthony Bass, 2011.

Welcome to Major League Baseball’s Struggle Sessions

The Toronto Blue Jays' Anthony Bass is really sorry. You see, Major League Baseball teams like the Dodgers will honor men in nun costumes who hand out condoms and simulate sex on ...

Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand

Please Don’t Carry On, Cleo

Netflix’s new pseudo-documentary Queen Cleopatra has now finally been released, having drummed up loads of free publicity via the simple expedient of misleadingly casting a ...

Adjoa Andoh

The Balcony Scene

I didn’t watch King Charles III’s coronation because, with its much-trailed emphasis on “diversity,” I knew it wasn’t really aimed at me but at the likes of Adjoa Andoh, ...

No Biggie, Just the End of Civilisation

Whatever you had planned to do for the rest of the day, please drop it and read this right now: Heather Mac Donald's new book, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity ...

Diversity Training Disaster

All big American companies now require DEI training: diversity, equity and inclusion. All big companies! Really. It sounds responsible. But it turns out DEI courses are often ...

Frans Hals’ Laughing Cavalier

Big Black Brotha Is Watching You

In Douglas Murray’s 2019 book The Madness of Crowds, the popular conservative author revealed something strange about the Google Image results when he typed the phrase ...

Save the Pandas—Kill the White People!

Just like pandas, white people are fast becoming an endangered species out there in their traditional areas of natural habitat, and for the same basic reason, too—namely, a ...

Gays, You’re Not Black

For at least a half-century now, every special pleader in America has made the following argument: Yeah, but what if we were black? This is supposed to be rhetorical kryptonite, ...

Have at ‘Em, Antifa! The New Free Speech

In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire ...

The Folly of Anti-Woke “Social Distancing”

Deadlines are an unforgiving mistress. Every now and then I’ll see something right after my column posts that makes me regret not having been able to include it. For example, ...

Penn Jillette

And a Child Shall Mislead Them

This week, we take a focused look at how the West’s most destructive superstition can grip the mind of even the most strident “rationalist,” and what that means for those of ...

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