As America debates whether to send tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan, in the ninth year of a war for ends we cannot discern, a riveting new history recalls times when ...
One of the wheezes I get from my leftist friends in Berkeley is how highly evolved their sense of morality is, as if 21st-century Berkeley were some New Jerusalem of higher moral ...
A once prominent name has been erased from the history of the American Right after World War II. Readers of National Review in the late 1950s and early "60s would have found ...
Having just seen the film Julie and Julia, based on a book by Julie Powell and a screen play by Nora Ephron, I"ve certain unanswered questions about some of the historical ...
I write these words on September 3, 2009, seventy years to the day since Britain and France declared war on Germany"an occasion observed, if not exactly celebrated by the ...
On Sept. 1, 1939, 70 years ago, the German Army crossed the Polish frontier. On Sept. 3, Britain declared war. Six years later, 50 million Christians and Jews had perished. ...
Under Discussion: Critchlow, Donald T, The Conservative Ascendancy: How the GOP Right Made Political History, Harvard University Press (2007), 368 pages. In his new history of ...
Pat Buchanan and I have some differences"some major differences. He is a Catholic; I am a Protestant. He is a conservative; I am a libertarian. He is a protectionist; I am a ...
In declaring secession illegal, and the U.S. a consolidated state, Abraham Lincoln enacted the first income tax, the first draft, supported internal improvements and nationalizing ...
In contribution to Takimag from last summer, Austin Bramwell asked "Why are movement conservative intellectuals so obsessed with refuting positions (e.g., that the United ...
On Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler’s panzers smashed into Poland. Two days later, an anguished Neville Chamberlain declared war, the most awful war in all of history. Was the war ...
Recently conducted polls among a number of unidentified historians concerning their views about our best and worst presidents reveal certain long-term trends. Not surprisingly ...
With the recent observation of Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday, it might be worth looking at what the last two centuries have wrought. George Washington's vision of a humble ...
Interacting with people in the sciences over my life one of the major issues I have noticed is an extreme hubris when it comes to their opinions in regards to non-scientific ...
In the The American Conservative, Dan McCarthy presents as a hero of the antiwar Right former South Dakota senator and onetime Democratic candidate for the presidency, George ...
In the latest issue of National Review, one finds a laudatory review of a new doorstop biography of Franklin Roosevelt. Among other things, the author of this review credits ...