Lots of politicians have been caught burnishing their resumes, but recently, one of our elected representatives has come under fire for telling some real whoppers. And no, I'm not talking about George Santos. In a space of three days last fall, President Joe Biden claimed to be Puerto Rican, practice Judaism and to have lost his house in a natural disaster. Celebrating the Jewish New Year at the White House on Sept. 30, he told Jewish leaders, "I probably went to shul more than many of you did. You all think I'm kidding." No, he said, "I'd go to services on Saturday and on Sunday," adding, ...
A big issue that has emerged in the final days of the midterm election campaigns is the lockdowns of our schools and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The public saw with the abysmal test ...
In just the last few weeks, Liz Truss, Britain's new prime minister, has been denounced by critics as a "fascist." So has Giorgia Meloni, Italy's newly elected prime minister. Along with all ...
Before he appeared at his first solo news conference of 2022, President Joe Biden knew he had a communications problem he had to deal with. Namely, how to get off the ...
“Why is Hitler remembered as the worst villain ever, when other dictators racked up higher body counts?” Man, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question, ...
You know the difference between an album and a concert? With an album, the idea is to create something with staying power. The music is meticulously recorded, mixed, sweetened, ...
Like all Americans, I've been deeply moved and horrified by the recent spate of mass shootings. Surely, I thought, there must be some common sense gun regulations that could put ...
Although it sounds trite and perhaps a bit juvenile, the crucial trait for any president is empathy. We want fairness in a world that is inherently unequal. We seek understanding ...
An Irishman's home is his coffin. "James Joyce, Ulysses The dead use a graveyard forever. "Nathan Englander, The Ministry of Special Cases Over the last couple of ...
None of the words “Islam,” “Muslim,” or “Muhammed,” nor any of the variant spellings of the latter two, occur in the index to George H. ...
On August 29, the London think-tank Demos released a report called The Power of Unreason, which is "the first ever analysis of conspiracy theories in the ideology and ...
Last week, the Belgian magazine Knack published an article with the explosive title “Hitler was related to Somalis, Berbers and Jews.” The news involved a study ...
When I encounter facts that run contrary to my beliefs, I embrace the facts and abandon my beliefs. I wish the rest of the world was like me. I was around eight years old when ...
Robert Byrd, after living nearly as long as Methuselah and having served in the US Senate since shortly after Brutus stabbed Caesar, has died. Throughout his unpardonably lengthy ...